Aug 5Liked by sleepydude

Thank you for this. This helps me understand better.

"your mind and body both assuming for certain that you will die" "they believe that inducing traumatic near-death experiences can give you otherworldly powers of cognition"

I would never partake in the horrors you laid out, but I think something akin to this happened to me almost entirely over the internet. I became something when I was convinced I was going to die for what I was doing. I felt so... powerful. It was like Ultra-Instinct, I didn't think, just reacted.

Then something told me they were going to target and 'kill' me. Then they did.

Also just like you laid out I feel most alive now when I get to relive this experience, even in small ways. I wish to return to my previous state so badly.

What am I?

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What happened to you sounds real, and it happened how it was supposed to. God gave us such tools in order to overcome trauma. It is not our fault that they found a way to abuse it.

What they do is abuse systems to force outcomes. They exploit rules and laws in order to gain advantage. Everything artificial -- everything fake.

You can't cheat unless there are rules to abuse. Rules don't make cheaters, yet cheaters exist all the same. However, God has guaranteed that every cheater will face judgement, that all shortcuts lead to an incomplete character and Self. By cheating, they rob themselves of the discipline and toil required to build character, and so their sandy foundations cannot withstand the Storm no matter how many certificates and gold stars they receive through ill-gotten means.

When the MSM mockingbird device riles crowds into a frenzy and foment hate, it's all part of their grand scheme. They know the rules, they know what we'll put up with, and do exactly just enough to get us to act predictably. No different than hunters setting snares, traps, and lures.

Just know how much it pisses them off when one "gets away" right at the last second. They worship abortion, the snuffing out of greatness right before it dawns, so when it happens to them in some miraculous event only explainable by Divine Intervention they begin to doubt their core faith. They begin to believe, which shows them the door to Repentance. We must always be there to receive our enemies and forgive them, otherwise what reason would they have to open that door?

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Aug 6Liked by sleepydude

Dr. Ammon Hillman wrote the Chemical Muse. In it he discusses the drugs that were called “death inducers”, crafted from a sea snail. It was the color purple and did just that. You would be clinically dead so you can “see the other side” and then they would bring them “back from death”. That was the “initiation” into the “mystery” religion. Really sick stuff, a lot of pedo stuff going on to.

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For me, you're on home turf with this one, so naturally I have a few comments to make.

Unlike any other area of archaeology, Egyptology is a unique field of study, and owning it from the outset has given the cabal the means to sanitize the stories / myths, and remove the uncomfortable truths they'd rather you didn't know. There are four players in the Isis / Osiris / Set story, not three. The consort of Isis (Ast in Egyptian) is Horus the Elder (Hru). The Greeks took Hru and added him to their Pantheon as Hru-cles or Heracles. He was a mighty warrior king of considerable standing, and as with most kings he couldn't keep it in his pants. In some stories, one of his eyes is the moon, and the other the sun. Seth, the brother of Horus the Elder, who was gay, plotted to take the throne by force and in the ensuing fight, Horus lost his eye (presumably his right), which Seth kept, and Seth his testicles, which Horus kept. Later Seth became enraged when his wife Nephthys got pregnant, because it certainly wasn't his! Horus was responsible, and Set plotted to kill him, and when he succeeded cut the body into thirteen pieces.

Isis was enraged. Her philandering husband was dead and she was unable to take revenge on him. Also, she had no heir. She collected the body parts and using magic, made the body whole again by binding it with bandages. But she didn't remove the pain that went with dismemberment. The newly reconstructed body was called Osiris (As-ir, the eye on the throne). It was in eternal agony, unable to move, and its mouth was bound shut. Only the (left) eye, which saw everything that went on, was visible. Osiris was unable talk, unless a ritual known as the 'opening of the mouth' was performed. Isis would do this, when she needed the insight of the (moon) eye. Isis later used the phallus to beget Horus the Younger, who we simply know as Horus. Early Christianity borrowed the image of Isis with the baby Horus and turned it into Mary with the baby Jesus.

Following the death of the elder Horus, Seth took the throne and ruled Egypt. He is the eternal trickster, similar to Loki, with a liking for young men. It should come as no surprise to find he decided to try it on with Horus. As Horus came of age, he battled with Seth for possession of his father's all-seeing eye. Eventually, after many battles, Horus got back his father's eye and Seth his testicles.

Horus the Elder, who is a warrior king and a lover of women has been completely written out the story. He is not Osiris, but became Osiris when he was resurrected. Lovely, fluffy Isis is anything but - she's a witch, capable of great malevolence. Seth, the uncle, is a trickster and a lover of boys. Horus the Younger is the only one who is innocent of sin. Osiris possesses the eye of the moon, and Seth the eye of the sun.

FYI: the Egyptians were the first to not eat pig, and the reason why is that the pig is Seth's preferred avatar. To eat a pig would be to allow the trickster God inside you. The pig was declared a filthy animal; eating it was done at great personal risk.

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