Feb 5Edited

So if we're preparing for a meh ending, and the overarching system will remain in place, how do we position ourselves to take advantage of the knowledge we've collected?

There's no point being a sheep, once awakened you just can't see the world the same anymore. We can't continue with the charade, so how do we use it? There has to be a way to live within the "real world" and it's benefits without subscribing to the dark side of it.

I understand this sounds silly, considering a hidden system is dark by its nature, but how else should we move forward, on an individual level?

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Remember, the Meh Ending isn't bad. In some cases it's preferable to the Good Ending.

Think of it this way -- we've been suppressed for a long time. Inventions held back and people kept too busy to tinker and discover. What if that suppression stopped? Would those discoveries held in hangers collecting dust really need to be released? How about we just take off the brakes and let people organically re-discover things according to a normal flow?

That's the Meh Ending, in brief. It'll take longer, risks us falling back into old habits, but doesn't unduly hoist decades of advancement upon the world at the drop of a hat. WE, our current swath of generations, won't get to enjoy the fruits of that labor, but our kids will... For those of us who have kids, anyways.

That's another part of it. Without a declass on the horrors committed against us, most people will continue in their hatred of the nuclear family. So, a Meh Ending also includes a lower world population. That can be good depending on who you ask, as it avoids the Good Ending problem of too many people and not enough jobs to go around after automation takes hold.

You gotta keep in mind, the blue hair liberal single moms that hate men and trans their kids aren't gonna change their minds overnight, no matter what comes out. They're still evil on the inside and need a lot of re-conditioning. Some scars don't heal, and not all scars are visible. 4-6% is a generous figure. I wager it'll be around a third will be incapable of adapting. Rehab rates are usually 40% to 60% successful, depending on location. Like any addiction, victim mentality and government handouts are hard drugs to give up.

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So this is also why the prophets say that we have about 40 more years.......

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Reminds me of the movie, "Total Recall."

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