The Good Ending isn’t all flowers and rainbows. Actually, there will probably be a distinct lack of rainbows in the foreseeable future.
Right off the bat, a few things will happen around November of 2025 if we are on the Good Ending route. First, a crap ton of people will be out of a job. But wait, isn’t that bad?
Nope. It’s necessary. For a Good Ending, at least…
Here’s the rub:
We have centuries of technological progress stashed away in government hangers and filing cabinets somewhere. Patents, inventions, innovations, schema, blueprints, etc. are all just sitting in a bunker, shed, or office basement somewhere collecting dust. They are there because, like the Ark of the Covenant in Indiana Jones, they were deemed too dangerous for the public. If people knew of the Ark, everyone would stop and nothing to acquire it and use it as a weapon — both as a spiritual sign of their Divine Authority and as a device that can melt people for looking at it when open.
Basically, all this revolutionary stuff has been held back expressly because it is revolutionary. The powers that be; the big wigs in charge; the rich assholes in the high chair, all agree that the more things stay the same the better it is for their oligarchies and monopolies.
Think about it this way — if the cure for cancer came out tomorrow with a 100% success rate then can you imagine how many people will be out of a job? Double the figure if it is an inexpensive cure. The point is, entire industries rely upon the cure for cancer NOT to be found. Those same people, knowing their careers are on the line, are absolutely willing to sabotage cure research and kill people who might lead to cures just to maintain their market dominance. They rationalize it by saying it’s “for the greater good” because so many people can continue their employment and won’t feel completely gutted over their degrees becoming wildly expensive slips of paper overnight.
People have jobs because problems exist. Solve the problem for good, and you cost people their jobs.
The collapse of this reality coincides with the Good Ending route. If we truly are on a Good Ending, many people, if not EVERYONE, will be looking at some form of unemployment as their various occupations become obsolete contingent with release of “sensitive” materials and documents.
The Economy wouldn’t survive…
And that’s a good thing. Our money is fake, our jobs are busywork, everyone is depressed, no one is fulfilled, no one can afford a family let alone a house, and the majority of jobs are in support of a government that hates us.
More realistically, let’s examine the “End Game” of the “Good Ending.”
The Good Ending End Game
For a sample of what’s to come, let’s talk about the emergence of A.I.
No, not the SkyNET fears, but the whole premise of automation “taking our jobs!” That’s the greater fear, more-so than being hunted by buff robots.
Consider the prospect of humans having nothing to do, because it’s all automated…
If automation gets so robust and capable that the majority of office jobs are no longer a “human” role, then where does that leave those humans? Where does it leave the institutions that train and educate those humans to do that job?
It leaves them in the garbage can is where it leaves them.
The debt, however, stays. People train years to get an education that is obsolete within 2 months of them being on the job market because a think tank of a dozen people cooked together a convolutional neural network that’s able to do their job in a fraction of a second, with minimal errors, at next to no cost, and able to work day or night, at any hour. How do you compete with that? How do you compete with Expert Systems that automate everything you would have done in a fraction of a second?
Well… You don’t. Like with slavery, you can’t compete. You have to eat the loss of your obsolete “dream job” and move on to something else that will pay the bills.
So, they say to move into trades.
“Robots can’t weld…”
What you see happening now is a lot of disenfranchised youths coming out of college with heaps of debt and realizing their job has been replaced by a machine. They still have to pay the bills, though, so they instead find a job in trades.
Great. Fantastic. Now we have a surplus of trade workers. What does that mean? It means the old fogglies with decades of experience would be technically overpaid. They’ll be laid off and then replaced with desperate, debt-ridden, overeducated youths who will work for peanuts just to make their loan payments. They’ll also do a half-assed job on account of them being salty their “dream job” was axed. They don’t really wanna be there.
No one is happy.
That will lead to a massive demand for AI to just ax those jobs too. Computers don’t complain. That alone is enough to justify any drawbacks. Next we look at surrogate androids replacing menial task jobs which then evolves into them also replacing trade jobs. We might be a few decades off from that, but what’s important is that now, more than ever, we have a clear roadmap toward that eventuality.
If all that does come to pass, and there’s no reason to think it won’t, eventually we will end up with robots and automation doing 90% of the jobs we, humans, used to do. It extends beyond just the computer sector, and into every laborious task you can think of. What will be left are strictly managerial and maintenance jobs that just make sure the robots don’t break down and do as they’re instructed.
We have to assume many industries are currently propped up by the aforementioned scheme, where inventions and innovations that would make them obsolete are just one declass away from being released. All that time wasted on something any bloke can now do at the wave of a hand.
Most people will be redundant. Technically, we already are. Mouths to feed with nothing to do. Busywork just to keep us docile and dependent. That’s why the Globalists are so gung-ho about depopulation. It’s their answer to a problem we just don’t see yet — a problem of what happens if the sheep have nothing to keep them busy.
You see how this is starting to look like the bad; depopulation; NWO ending already?
This all follows from a “Good Ending” declass event where all this withheld technology is released all at once. It’s easy to confuse the two, good and bad, because on either timeline we all get shafted as we grapple with our purpose and meaning in life. No jobs to do, no money to be made, and no way to find fulfillment outside of being a clown for the entertainment of a privileged few who have actual jobs, and therefore actual power. Most people will become dancing monkeys and whores for table scraps from the few capable of leading what’s left of each industry that’s not already automate-able.
Now, it’s easy to get jaded a this point, but before we examine the upsides we have to first get out of the way exactly HOW we ended up with this crap to begin with.
Sins of the Fathers
We are in this situation because our forefathers failed us. They gatekept their industries, withheld technology for their own financial gain, and outsourced labor our own creative minds would have done to overseas interests on the cheap.
But, more than that, they gaslit us into accepting such treatment. They pushed a Globalist mindset to convince us that it was good we were sabotaging our own future. Then, when we would double down at their instruction to follow the “right way” towards success, they would pull out the rug at the last second and release certain technologies so they alone could capitalize on it. They create bubbles and then pop them, making sure to profit off every collapse of a market that leave millions destitute at a time. It’s the artificial Boom and Bust cycle they have commandeered.
That’s how we got into this position. So many technologies have been piling up because of their schemes and rackets that we now face a total collapse of our economy should the “better way” to do things ever be allowed to come to light.
This was all part of their plan.
The most affected generation are the Boomers, who ate up the lies hook, line, and sinker. “Go to college. Get good grades. Apply for a job. Get promoted. Buy a house. Raise a family.” That’s what you’re supposed to do in life. As well as paying taxes every step of the way…
It’s a “formula” that’s now wildly outdated yet is still expected of people — people barely able to find a place to sleep that their unstable job barely covers.
It started out slow. Because things were fine; because things were slow, no one complained. As time went on, however, more technology was dripped out to keep those in power in power, as bargaining chips fed to us to keep us on the grind. Instead of coming out at a steady flow, in such a fashion that each generation could “keep up” with the new possibilities, it was staggered between drips to make sure the status quo was maintained. We’d have huge bursts of technological advancement followed by years of being drip-fed novelties and tat. All the while, the clock started ticking faster, thanks to fiat currency. You were expected to do more in a day than your ancestors. You were expected to work past when the sun went down. You were expected to take what job you could because there’s a shortage of good jobs and a surplus of overeducated, desperate fools with bills to pay.
As things sped up, as large swaths of industries were held hostage by those with the key to the patent files, and as people who dared advance technology on their own were “silenced” using government assets, we fell further and further in to this trap.
The longer we stay like this, the more destructive this force of obsolescence will be if it all comes out at once…
That was their fail-safe — their dead-man’s switch should they ever be backed into a corner. Should these cultish, Globalist theocrats in charge ever be deposed, they threaten to release all this technology and basically toss the keys for our own existential destruction into the hands of irate, psychologically disturbed freaks they’d cultivated.
Imagine if a random schizo on the street could cook up a perpetual energy device in a backlot somewhere. He could just as well turn such a thing into a bomb and melt a whole neighborhood if he was sufficiently perturbed.
Would you hand your toddler a power drill? No? Why?
Because they aren’t ready for it. They’ll hurt themselves.
There are simply things we are not ready for, because we’ve been handicapped by bad actors.
They, the Globalist Cabal, threaten to hand behaviorally disturbed individuals, brainwashed by government programs and afflicted by chemicals they’ve been poisoning us with for generations, the keys to untold power and then allow them free reign to just wreak havoc upon the public. It’s like handing a chimpanzee a machine gun.
Our current infrastructure, military capabilities, and police force would lack the experience and ability to prevent such crises. Every day there would be another 9-11 event where jackasses with nothing left to lose would be handed devices of untold power and use it to “get back at the man” but in reality just cause terror and suffering out of spite. Remotes could hack into a plane and turn off all the power systems. Planes would just start dropping out of the sky on the regular.
Granted, they kind of already are…
But, this is why I say a Good Ending is unlikely —b ecause the honest White Hats would fight against the fallout it entails to save lives, thereby hindering its advance; because the signs for a Good Ending would necessarily include the Cabal using our own want for Total Declass against us and handing the reigns to the worst possible people. It’s their last-ditch effort to escape amidst the smokescreen of widespread destruction. They don’t really have to drop a nuke on us, they just have to teach every Tom, Dick, and Harry how to make a nuke in their backyard with a box of scraps.
Wild, Wild West
Now, sure, I’m probably exaggerating the fallout. It won’t be all that off the bat, but every sector of the economy will struggle to jump on the technological blueprints and viciously compete to become the “top dog” in this new wild west free for all of energy, invention, and even magic.
It will be as though everyone in the world suddenly gained access to fantasy-style magical abilities once thought impossible. Patents would effectively mean diddly squat, since most of the original patent holders will have been long dead for decades by now. Likewise, the courts just wouldn’t be able to keep up with legal and law suits.
A simple unsealing of “top secret” files is all that really keeps us from this hoard; this treasure trove of secrets held back and suppressed by force for centuries.
Savants will take and run with all sorts of programming concepts, building things without any consideration for societal side-effects, backlash, or repercussions. We already are so destitute and desperate to find that “next big thing” that many would be more than willing to sabotage current industries and cost millions of people their job just so they could “get our cut” of the proverbial Pie of Pi.
The longer we wait, though, the more disastrous the potential fallout…
This band-aide has to be pulled off, pronto, if we are to attain that “Good Ending” route. It has to be by the end of the year. Preferably right before winter, so any mass upheavals are quashed by winter weather. Otherwise, we risk just kicking the can down the road and submitting to a “Meh Ending” which could simply perpetuate another chance at the “Bad Ending.”
What you have to understand is that Progress, True Progress, has been withheld from us for a very long time. We’ve been taught wrong to keep us in the dark. We’ve been gaslit into believing up is down, good is bad, and men can be women. It all points towards their attempt to retain for themselves the sole power over Humanity’s ultimate destiny, as the Providential Eye which looks towards the future and sits upon the Hoard of Mankind’s discoveries, keeping us ignorant.
Each Stone is an invention capable of completely disrupting our current socio-economic reality. Things like refrigeration, the radio, microwave ovens, and polymers. Wildly revolutionary things that, if they all came out at once, would have uprooted every industry to devastating effect. Inventions, if pushed too quickly, can easily become economic weapons. We face a similar fate today. What would have been building blocks to construct that Shining City on the Hill have instead turned into massive boulders hoisted above our heads keeping us in the dark while they threaten to cut the rope and crush us under our own hubris.
Too much of a good thing can, indeed, be a bad thing.
So, we must be careful what we wish for, lest we get exactly that and perish under the burden of responsibility that goes along with it. This is why I don’t think we’re on a “Good Ending” route, but it’s worth considering what could be if we all got right with God and really aimed toward improving all of Humanity not just a select “Chosen” few.
Now, to the upsides.
If we do manage to survive a declass event and the total shake-up of the socio-political economic landscape, we would enter a genuine Age of Aquarius. The most important thing from that point on will no longer be survival, as in shelter, food, and water. That will all be settled, automated, and perfected. Any need and want can be answered by the press of a button or a command issued to an AI assistant.
No… What will be needed from Humans is training data. Unique ideas. Machines do as they are told and can only regurgitate information from already parsed data sets. They cannot Create as Humans do. They cannot access the Yet To Be and pull true novelty from it like one would a child during labor. Humans, then, would need to contribute to those data sets in order to progress any further. We need not squabble over the “right” way to do things anymore, because that issue will have long ago been settled. The answer to anything is simply a prompt away; the right tool for any job is only a query away. In time, material generators would be able to take your idea to reality as easily as you can print out a picture today. What would have taken artists hours to pain-stakingly sketch, block, and render is now at the press of a button, correct? The same will eventually be true for all 3D objects — above and beyond our wildest imagination of what a 3D printer today is capable of.
Movies have for decades now depicted this reality. What if it was already within our grasps, but merely kept away from us to keep us stupid and dependent on an elite class of egomaniacs?
With such ill-taught foolishness behind us, all that matters then is our ability to imagine what we want. We would enter an era where a Human’s worth will no longer be monetary but imaginary. The more colorful our imagination, the more potential we can provide. Problems we didn’t even know we had would start to be solved as people strive to perfect the Human condition.
That’s the Good Ending’s ultimate appeal. Humanity fulfilling its destiny and communing fully with the Image of our Creator.
Of course, those who lack imagination and competence will lag behind…
In reality, that will be our most daunting task — the redemption of all those who have been sullied by the promises of sin and folly. Falsehoods have to be unknotted and the Truth revealed to everyone. People have to get right with God. Temptation overcome. That’s the only way we can prevent a Good Ending from becoming a dystopian Bad Ending where people, now empowered with untold technologies akin to magic, destroy one another as our past grudges once cultured by our Hidden Taskmasters devour our souls.
Not to get too spiritual here, but that’s what’s really holding us back. If we were Right with God we’d be able to just jump right in to the technology declass without a scratch or blemish. Instead, we have a lot of psychological baggage to have to sort through first, especially as it pertains to peoples’ own self worth. We have far too many people eager to destroy one another out of petty differences and far too few wanting to offer redemption to those truly repentant.
There is a better way, people just have to be shown it.
Many, however, just don’t want to abandon their grievances which they have taken to define their very being. They have built their identity upon a foundation of vengeance, seeing themselves as victims in search of justice. Woke ideology builds upon this, but the source of this viral belief system stems from a spiteful hatred of God and His infinite Mercy.
They can’t let go of their vengeance because that’s all they have left. Everything else has been taken from them, by their slave-masters, in order to divide God’s children and turn us against one another.
A house divided cannot stand.
So, we have to first mend some bridges before we can guarantee a Good Ending.
That’s why I’m certain we are on a Meh Ending.
Once again, Q suggests as much.
At the very least, us learning what they’ve done to us, and what we’ve unintentionally done to one another, is enough to leave us hollow. We risk turning to nihilism in light of all the sick, twisted stuff Humanity has done to itself in the pursuit of power.
While I don’t like it, kicking the can down the road looks inevitable, simply because the Cabal isn’t gonna go down easy. They’ll fight. They’ll convince others to do their bidding on the way down. Time is against us.
The slower it takes to pull off the band-aid, the less likely a Good Ending route will end up as we want it to. It can very easily turn into a Bad Ending depending on what wound we find under that band-aid.
If the wound under the bandage turns out to be too grotesque, then limbs are gonna have to start getting lopped off. We can only hope what they’ve kept from us isn’t so bad that people will conclude parts of Humanity aren’t worth saving…
I am still hopeful though. We’ll see by November. Again, the first big sign is a lot of jobs becoming obsolete very quickly. It has to happen eventually…
So if we're preparing for a meh ending, and the overarching system will remain in place, how do we position ourselves to take advantage of the knowledge we've collected?
There's no point being a sheep, once awakened you just can't see the world the same anymore. We can't continue with the charade, so how do we use it? There has to be a way to live within the "real world" and it's benefits without subscribing to the dark side of it.
I understand this sounds silly, considering a hidden system is dark by its nature, but how else should we move forward, on an individual level?
So this is also why the prophets say that we have about 40 more years.......