Jul 1Liked by sleepydude

What do you think about this article and the two most recent asteroids that have zipped by - one on debate night, one yesterday (as everyone was dithering over what Biden should do), and then today being National Asteroid Day?


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Sounds like they found a campaign fund for the 2024 election this month.

The dates line up on the DART one, as it zipped by in 2022, around the time of the midterms, but was knocked off course.

Asteroids are "delivery mechanisms" for all sorts of precious minerals, especially metals. For that reason you can compare them to injections of funds for big "celestial" movements.

"Knocking one off course" is like when the United States recently seized Russian assets.

Something tells me, since they alluded to it being the size of a football stadium, that we're looking at something between maybe 1.5-4.9 billion dollars, which are the going rates for a new football stadium these days. Alternatively, it could be referencing an idiomatic expression -- "Political Football"


"We define political football as “an issue that politicians argue about and try to use for their advantage.”"

So, whatever this fund is about, there's a good chance it's going to be used as a campaign issue.

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