There is a bit more to the Qliphoth than you've described. They represent not just the shells or husks of the present, but also the shells and husks of the past. Within the Abyss are contained all the shells of previous failed worlds, the 'works of God'. One could almost say that there have been many great resets, and when a reset takes place the Qliphoth are shoveled into the Abyss to hide the evidence.

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He has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon himself.

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". . . and what’s left are the loners and professional autists who simply cannot formulate words well enough to convince people their conspiracy theories are just detailed evaluations of real, ongoing criminal rackets." -- I didn't know I wasn't alone in this (so many years) until about 6 years ago, but I also think people _want_ to have carrots in their ears, as my friend says.

Interesting analogy, with the trees, the stream, and the sandy bank. Thanks for this

--(catching up on older posts)

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Khazarian Elohim worship cults rituals all come from our tormentors the Elohim. They created religion to keep us under their control, for harvesting, it’s in the Talmud. It’s the fake JEWS and their minions who continue the sacrifices to their Elohim (space aliens) “gods”. All of this because they were abandoned by Elohim, they think blood sacrifices and rituals will bring them favor. Nothing will change until we expose the Bible and how it was manipulated in translation to add them to it. It’s all fake. The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino, there were no Jews, no creator god in the Bible. Yahweh was a military colonel, and a eunuch who drank a lot and killed innocents. That’s why Jesus was killed, he spoke out against the Elohim and the “Jews” murdered him. It’s time to expose the truth. Love your work Sleepy. 🥰

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