Do you have scars?

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Most are not of serious consequence, thankfully. However, I've been put under the knife far more than someone my age should of. Most of the scars are internal now, and are mostly the result of poor genetics.

My biggest scar is in the brain, and is the reminder of my constant exhaustion.

I remember getting booster shots in middle school and then suddenly I'm in K-Mart shopping for a backpack with wheels and being told my spleen might explode if I carried anything heavy. There are three weeks of my life I don't remember. From one moment to the next, it's like I was just teleported into the future. One moment I was in a gym, the next I was staring at a rack of roller backpacks and a white tile floor.

It was years before I even realized how long my parents worried about me sleeping all day for over a month... They told me I had mononucleosis, but an Epstein Barr test showed I'd never had it. It was likely the Meningitis vaccine, but I've only come to find that out recently.

All I really do remember is the massive backlog of homework I had to do and how I felt it was so cruel I had to deal with it all.

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Thanks for sharing.

You come across as lucid and together, with something burning away inside that's desperate to get out and be expressed on paper. Most writers suffer from this - it's why we write. I wondered if your motivation was a scar.

One of my pals IRL had something similar happen to him as a teenager. They said Meningitis, but it was not proved. He was off school for about 3 months, unable to get up. Spent a lot of the time asleep.

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Jul 27Liked by sleepydude

"Tattoos represent in Comms the False, Boastful and Embellished tales of one who was groomed to pass a test, yet never truly was put to The Test."

Days later and this line still stings.

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Jul 18Liked by sleepydude

RE: "But those who are must understand how they look — how they WILLINGLY opened themselves up to criticism and disdain. Those who get tattoos knew full well the stigma surrounding the practice,..."

And a dude with facial tattoos annd eyeballs tattooed black complains that no one will employ him.

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