Jul 19Liked by sleepydude

We are ready TOGETHER even we don't know each other.

Bring it on! We are ready. God bless 🙏🏼

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I think I am starting to see this.... would you mind letting me know if this is comms? https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/20/climate/nantucket-wind-turbine-ge-vernova/index.html

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I'd say it's a good candidate.

Question: Why would CNN report on something that ostensibly hurts their Climate Change agenda?

Pointing out the flaws in the Wind Turbine system can only reduce market prospects into the technology, if not the reliability of the service as a whole. This report actively sabotages their propaganda efforts. So, what is being said?

If Wind/Air/Gas = Rumors/Hearsay/Gossip, then the Comms here suggest their "rumor mills" malfunctioned. Either than can be taken to mean that one of their news outlets spread false rumors and "had to be taken down" or they are so deficient in ratings that they've had to be shut down and restructured. Either way, their "rumor mill" isn't doing well, and it being "offshore" implies it's an international news redistribution outlet.

The "Beach" Comms is where Water(Information) meets Earth(Industry). That, or it implies a potential "vacation" for those involved. I'm still hazy on beach Comms, but there are a few things you can take away from what they do at the beach. If they show up and strip down to their swimwear it means they're "exposed." If they lounge on the beach, catching rays, then they're a "beached whale," in other words they can't escape the limelight without help. They're Comms for reestablishing one's public image. A walk down by the beach could indicate you're "courting" a potential mate(business partner).

Wind turbine blades shattering and spreading debris across the beach, then, would imply that a "cutting edge" rumor mill has fractured and needs help getting their mojo back. I'm not all that privy to a good candidate these Comms point to, so maybe you'd have some insight there.

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Clownstrike's relationship with the DS goes all the way back to when it was founded. They were complicit in the DC server hack cover up and provided technical data to help push the "Muh, Russia" narrative. So, cosy with all the right people, and featuring prominent / rich Ukrainians on the board, and as backers. I've heard it said by techie insiders that they are the Theranos of IT - all smoke and mirrors with nothing under the hood.

The cyber outage we're seeing could be as you describe, or alternatively we might just have seen Clownstrike defused. There is a high probability that any serious cyber-outage worldwide would involve these people. They are a trusted partner that's part of every corporate's cyber-defence plan. What we've seen is mild. It's likely bricked a billion devices and it will be a PITA to recover from. But it could have been far worse. If a malicious package had been delivered, the West would be fucked. No company is going to trust Clownstrike from here on, and a class action lawsuit will finish them. I expect this to happen. Clownstrike is done. They will be sold off to the highest bidder.

A valuable cabal asset has been expended. Either side could have done this. DS in desperation or WH to cripple. Whoever did it, it's a valuable piece off the board.

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It's hard to imagine they'd let White Hats trip their card to play, but you do make a convincing argument. They've been irrationally incompetent as of late, so a lapse in what could have been their number-1 smokescreen going up in flames is par the course.

Of course, if it was a WH defusal, then wouldn't they have put redundancies in place in expectation of a WH defusal?

Either way, if the Nessun Dorma is anything to go by, there may very well be the DeepState purge by the Military we've been waiting for.

Also, this theory holds water that meets both of ours in the middle, as it Deus EX: Human Revolution opened window to inject any sort of bad juju into all systems everywhere in prep for a wider shut-down: https://x.com/HealthRanger/status/1814336438370021890

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I'm biased against Clownstrike and have been since the Hillary server episode. From a technical perspective, I found myself in a position where my (now ex-) bosses were telling me to do away with AV checkers, as they were so last century and Clownstrike was the way forward. I argued against this decision until I was blue in the face. Alas, to to avail. So yesterday, I had a massive smirk all day. The risks that I highlighted 4+ years ago, which were dismissed as irrelevant, were actually very relevant.

HealthRanger makes some interesting and valid points. The comments underneath are telling too, and again, in a fully functioning ecosphere, correct. There is no-way this patch update should have got through test and escaped into the wild. I don't know what the corporate culture inside CS is like firsthand, but a left-leaning pal of mine took a job with them 3+ years ago and regularly opines about how brilliant they are, "So diverse, so equitable, so inclusive". We saw what DEI has done to the SS recently - the lady at the top is not competent to do her job, but is so incompetent she does not know this! Back in 2017, Equifax suffered a massive security breach. Lady in charge of security? A DEI hire, who was a music teacher. I suspect that a DEI hire was put in charge of testing. This way, with a little pixie dust, a flaky update could get past the usual safeguards. That process is now going to have to be tightened up, making a repeat very unlikely. We'll have to see how it plays out. I hope that HealthRanger's fears are unfounded.

This is a great article on DEI BTW: https://gaiusbaltar.substack.com/p/why-dei-crashes-planes-and-economies

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Author

Computer Science is filled with the same types to fall for time-share schemes. It's inundated with people who only think they know how the world works but have never actually lived it outside of a screen. I'm speaking from experience here.

When the world's most gullible people are put in charge of the world's entire technological ecosystem, it makes for a field day for any aspiring scam artist. We're talking people who think they are at the height of potential human hubris constantly falling for the humble Indian call center scammer. Their vision of the world is that of a child, buying woefully into the concept of "they wouldn't say that if it wasn't true!"

That's why nearly all of them fall in line with Government propaganda. Those few who do know better are more than eager to sell their soul to the Government out of fear of the gavel caving their heads in.

On another note, Hillary's server is mentioned a lot in Q, and you seem to know a great deal about CrowdStrike, but are you aware of what her primary racket was as Secretary of State? Her server was a known thing. She would sell access to lists of Military assets and their positions to foreign agents looking for revenge, the exact location of conveniently misplaced munitions, including chemical, and leaked out passwords to government devices... She ran the whole gambit through that sever, as Q laid out, culminating in her biggest deal in the U1 plot to sell Russia and a patsy nation nuclear materials to blame them for a nuclear detonation going off on American soil during her upcoming presidency -- all to spark of the WW3 they need.

That's why Ambassador Stevens had to die. He somehow got ahold of a flashed copy of the server she was using -- enough to certainly implicate her and her staff. He likely was in on the deal and simply grew a conscience. She was selling stinger missiles to Libyans, knowing they'd be used to take down Americans. Pretty evil stuff.

Obama sanctioned it, sure, but when she was under investigation (her glasses and supposed stroke were Comms) it revealed just how pissed the Cabal were at her. She was never supposed to lose, and her massive loss in popularity for what was supposed to be a sure thing stemmed from that server and her deals in Benghazi. If she didn't fuck around and find out, we'd currently be looking at either a term 2 of a Hillary Clinton presidency or a potential Pence presidency, as some supposed he was promised to finish us off.

You probably know all this, but it doesn't hurt to have a refresher once and a while.




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As you say, a refresher once in a while is good.

The WW3 they wanted was predicated on a weak Russia. Ukraine to be used as the battering ram, economic warfare to do the real damage. Trump's election bought Russia the additional 4 years it needed to decouple from the West and plan the Ukraine campaign. They now stand to lose Ukraine and that makes them as mad as hell. Pretty sure it's the Keystone Q refers to - an important center of Cabal activity, where all the worst kinds of inhumane atrocities take place. Take out Ukraine and it'll be like dropping the ring into Mount Doom. Screeching and wailing and gnashing of teeth...

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