Jul 4Liked by sleepydude

Very interesting timing on this post - Australia just banned vape sales outside of Pharmacies, and until Sept 30 you need a prescription to buy vapes. From October 1st however anyone over 18 can buy a vape from a pharmacy without a prescription. Sounds like they're calling for radio silence online until Oct 1?

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Sounds like it to me. Maybe even a step further.

Pharmakeia= Sorcery

"On the term φαρμακεία (pharmakeia, “magic spells”) see L&N 53.100: “the use of magic, often involving drugs and the casting of spells upon people—‘to practice magic, to cast spells upon, to engage in sorcery, magic, sorcery.’ φαρμακεία: ἐν τῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου ἐπλανήθησαν πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ‘with your magic spells you deceived all the peoples (of the world)’ Re 18:23.”"


"For your merchants were the tycoons of the world,

because all the nations were deceived by your magic spells!"

Magic Spells = Deception.

If you can't get your "vapes" outside of approved Pharmacies, it means you can't PLAN anymore scams without express approval through "official" Cabal channels. Honestly, it may be that money is so tight, because of the rampant runaway inflation, that they can't handle any scams nipping at the cash flow that's barely keeping the government alive. The White Hat's option to slow-burn the Cabal out by forcing them to expend ammunition until their bankrupt definitely seems to be in play.

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Jul 4Liked by sleepydude

This sounds right to me. I tried to think through how the pharmacy aspect played into it but I think you've got it.

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Nice. It would be useful to take a walk through drug usage next. You touched on it with nicotine and caffeine. I know the histories of the main drugs that were around in the early-20th Century - alcohol, marijuana, opium and cocaine, but I've not considered their use in comms.

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The fentanyl epidemic, if I had to guess, is a mirror for the Woke Cult of the Self.

Wokeism is a cult, a religious order, which has usurped the Western Atheist Cult as the predominant secular belief system. Lesser gods exist, as the One True God's jealousy is not unfounded. Highest among these false idols is the False God of the Self, the harbinger of the Anti-Christ, the Satan made "flesh", if such a thing were possible.

Those who value the World as the beginning and the end, the only Alpha and the Omega, are lost to the World, and so succumb to a spiritual madness as they wail and gnash their teeth in the afterlife.

Hell is the absence of God. One achieves Hell when you refuse to accept God's infinite Mercy.

Addiction to the Self... What else might one call Pride, Chief of all Sin?

Many false idols have come and gone. Only One True God has been here since the Beginning and shall be at whatever End He chooses.

Probably more than you expected from this comment, but there it is.

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"Religion is the opiate of the masses" - Karl Marx

Hits a bit different in this context, don't you think?

Examine the primary stereotypes of each drug, and you get some idea of what they represent:

Alcohol = Boastfulness ("Liquid Courage")

Marijuana = Obliviousness ("Dude, where's my car?")

Cocaine = Recklessness ("Take a hit. Be somebody, baby.")

Opiates = Numbness ("I've become so numb, I can't feel you there

I'm tired of being what you want me to be")

Psychedelics = Delusion (1. There's a potion that can make you shrink. 2. And a cake that can make you grow.)

In the case of opiates, users do it primarily as an escape. You aren't exactly conscious when you're strung out, and that's the point. People often do them to turn off their emotions and "veg out." You end up getting addicted to ignoring responsibility and consequence more than the drug itself. Spiritual, Religious, and Cultish behavior is much the same way. You're trying to find something to blame and something to follow in equal measure -- an excuse for why the world, your world, is a mess and an avenue to "go numb" and join a group that will just carry you along like a wave.

It can be positive and negative. Again, opiates are a medicine first, a recreational curse second. Just as opiates can be used to kill pain after surgery, religion can be used to help you through the 'healing' process. Guilt. Grief. Heartache. Hopelessness.

Healing takes time. Repairing scars takes time. It's often a painful process. A shoulder to cry on and someone to sympathize with over your plight helps numb the "pain" of loss and helps you tolerate the process of stitching your life back together. Togetherness offered by religion is a real painkiller, helping you "numb" yourself to the cruelty of the world.

Religion, like opiates, might not be for everyone, but you'll be damn glad to have a bottle of it to turn to when you're trying to piece your broken body back together.

What does it look like to "overdose" on religion? At least, according to the Cabal?


The "quivering" is meant to mimic the convulsions one has when juiced to the limit on opiates. Well, whether intentional or not, it is comparable.

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Jul 3Liked by sleepydude

Bananas (cocaine and drug trade in general) were the first comms symbol I decoded myself from news articles. I was surprised how much that unlocked. Banana prices, banana trade lines, banana supply. Equador and Colombia. Banana republics. Banana cargo is historically used for drug shipping, so they are sort of tied together anyway.

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That must trace back to United Fruit, which was a Clown front-company. I suspect that when it comes to drugs and the running thereof, that there are many comms codes in use.

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