This is one of your best articles, for sure. Invoking the honor amongst thieves concept is brilliant, and makes perfect sense. Their entire currency system is based on blackmail, and they're devaluing it themselves.

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What if I despise this entire system and want the whole thing to collapse under the weight of it's own corruption? Will the whole world hate me then? I simultaneously feel like everyone is my enemy and everyone is my friend. I truly no longer harbor any ill will against the people and families involved in this scheme, I mean them no harm. I also don't think I can stop telling the truth.

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The unfortunate truth with the world of man is that no matter how hard you clamp down with laws and statutes, they're only as powerful as your ability to enforce them. People will ALWAYS find exploits in any system so long as they have the will and means to do so.

Look at video games. No matter what game comes out, no matter how hard the developers try to prevent hacking or even just finding bugs to exploit to make the game easier, there will always be some cracks in the wall that people will take advantage of. It doesn't make the exploitation good, it just means that there will always be the temptation to "get ahead" no matter how hard you try to squash it out. The same is true in any system of law, economics, or any other competition.

That's what it is, really. Competition. Finding ways to get "first place." If that means finding loopholes in the rules to get ahead, then that's what people are going to do when they have enough drive to win at all costs. It's not bad to want to come out ahead of your peers. That motivation is necessary for progress. Like with all things, it's the excess of a thing that leads to temptation, which leads to sin. The only government that can completely do away with all criminal behavior, where everyone follows the rules all the time, is one where they have microchips lodged in people's heads. That's the end-game vision of the NWO Cabal members. That's why they profess Lucifer as their god. They want a world like in Minority Report, where people go to jail before they ever commit crimes. There's no crime in that system, but in turn there's also no free will.

The One True God allows us to err. Where the Cabal wishes to be overbearingly proactive, God's methods are reactive. He judges us after we perish, not before.

Remember, we're dealing with the stooges of fallen angels. Those fallen angels think they know better than God. They think they are actually performing God's will by tempting man and then damning them. Entrapment is their modus operandi. They come from a mindset that Man is a failed creation God shouldn't have made, and seek to prove to him every day that we must be extinguished. An experiment gone awry. They say: "SEE! Look how they are easily tempted by us. They are not worthy to exist! Do away with them, and restore to us our stations!"

I want the Cabal to fall too. The whole damned thing. That is the only way out of this mess in the long run. A secret echelon of assholes leading humanity because they "know better" is the very heart of corruption. They claim to know better than God; know better than the virtuous and blameless children of God. They think they can arrive at a point in time where humans are collectively "tamed" and sin is "mastered."

The only "mastery" over sin belongs to Evil. It's not a thing of God, though he permits it. The only way Love can be proven to the Universe is if those who express it do so by first resisting temptation. Without the constant temptation to sin, all acts of love cannot bear any meaningful weight. If you're forced to be a "good little boy" then you have no free will, and therefore are no different than beasts and rocks who act according to instinct and behavior.

God made us to be like himself -- beings of Creative Works, not soulless drones that cannot deviate from "the formula."

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I think that some loopholes are a good thing. In my youth I read a lot of Micheal Moorcock and he describes the universal adversaries as Chaos and Law. A world where chaos rules supreme is impossible to navigate as any rule can be broken at any time without fear of consequence. In a world where law rules supreme, whilst there is order the world is so rigid that nothing ever happens or ever can happen. I would guess that 75% law 25% chaos or thereabouts is right.

My working example is the world in which I grew up. I come from a fishing town in northern England; the black market currency when I was a lad was fish in all its forms. It was traded for everything and the system worked. In the 1980s management got above themselves and clamped down. All of these anti- money laundering and bribery rules were introduced which hit the small man in the pocket. The management class still got all their payoffs - they never dealt in fish, it was always holidays abroad and pension scams to them. And thus they continued, chipping away at the chaos with their rules, making the game 'fairer', whilst in reality making sure that no-one but them got more than they were entitled to.

Now we're at a different tipping point as described in your article. The system cannot continue as it is, the fraud is out of control and the disparity has become too great. Taking away the little man's schemes was a really bad move. Replacing scheming with all-out grift and get rich quick plans has not worked out and it's coming to a head.

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What man represents confuses me. If I'm understanding the symbolism correctly, I'm part of something akin to SKYNET or Ultron. In this interpretation, it is I who am destroying humanity. Who wants to "Do away with them." Is this because in their symbolism they don't consider the masses as human? What is a human in this scenario? I feel like it has something to do with the hive mind vs the individual, but I'm not sure at all. Is 'man' in this interpretation the same as 'man' in your comment above? Am I confusing two different symbolic languages, or just flat out wrong about something?

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They don't consider us "human." Human to them are the "Chosen." Chosen by whom? Not God, that's for sure. The highest of the Cabal pray to the "Enlightened One" the "Light Bringer" the "Lucifer."

Here's my entry in my Comms Dictionary:

"Human = “Chosen” / Not You - You are not a human. You never were and you never will be. If you’re reading this you are a slave. Humans are born of a chosen bloodline and there is nothing you can do to become human. Humans don’t have to work, they do what they want. Humans have wealth, and their beasts(slaves) do all the work for them. Wealth is defined by your possessions working for you, not you working for your possessions. You are not wealthy, and even if you find something of value it does not belong to you; a human merely allowed you to have it. When the Cabal speaks of “humanity” they’re talking about themselves, their own interests, and most definitely are not referring to the trash(you) which litters THEIR world and THEIR democracy. A pawn may become a Queen, but can never become a King."

You are sheep. You are a "feeder." A fly in the web whose purpose is to be used as an asset, as a piece on the board.

Consider the difference between meat and fuel. You burn fuel. You eat meat. When they "eat" one of us, they use every part of our bodies that they can. With both methods, however, you don't expect to ever use the resource again. Once something is gone, it's gone for good. Burning bridges and all that.

As far as the SkyNET and Ultron stuff, they don't see us as machines. That's a special class. Research Golems in Kabbalah Judaism. Automatons and Homunculi are "Artificial Humans." AI isn't exactly what we mean. It's more in line with MK Ultra.

When you "break" a human like a horse, they lose their spirit. Their free will is broken. Sheep can't be trained like a dog or horse. They can't learn tricks. They just do what they do. Animals that can't be trained can't be broken, and therefore can't be used for much else other than "eating." Used abused and cast aside.

A "Man" is someone with self agency. The ability to change their being, for better or worse. They can actualize their imagination and manifest destiny in the real world. The Cabal think this is a trait that is inherited, and that's why they like to inbreed. In reality, it's not hereditary but something earned through adversity. The more you suffer the more Grace is afforded to you. The less you can do, the more attuned you are to the things left that you can do. There's so much more to it, but at the very least a real "Man" can become what I would be classified as -- a "Sailor." A Sailor can read the stars and chart courses to "new frontiers." They can ride water/information and can taste the sea air.

Angels/Demons are spirits without body. They have souls and minds, but they cannot actuate change in the waking world without using a living human with agency. Being without body, they have a hard time "identifying" themselves, so they gravitate towards ideas and concepts. That's why every god/devil has an "aspect" or a series of concepts for which they are patrons. Think of worshipers of these things as people who have adopted fetishes that they entertain 24/7.

Spells are obsessions which change the nature of an individual, either subconsciously or consciously. ANTIFA and BLM, for example, are under the spell of victimization and unadulterated compassion. Empathy to a fault. In truth, it's empathy laced with a selfish egotistic narcissism -- which has been the subject of people like Calvin who suggests any good act done to inflate one's ego is proof of predestination. While I don't subscribe to that notion, there is need for introspection to determine if you want to be good for ulterior reasons.

I'm rambling now, but I hope you have some worthwhile insight to ponder. The point is that malevolent spirits are using humans to actuate change as a necessity because they lack a corporeal body. They have tried using machines(AI) and animals(perhaps what we know as Aliens) to "incarnate" but humans are the only thing that have the manifest destiny component. A Divine Spark, which is exclusive to something with all three, Mind, Body, and Soul, and the fulfilment of God's will that the Creator's Creation Creates. Try a they might, they still cannot perfectly kick out their host's ego and replace it with their own.

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Makes sense. Great read.

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