Jun 26, 2023Liked by sleepydude

Anything on Pelosi's red coat? She and Schiff were celebrating/referencing it at Pride 2023 with custom printed shirts and pins. Doesn't feel pride related at all and the coat seems tied to historic events.


Tense meeting between Schumer/Trump/Pelosi:



And she bought it for the 2013 Obama inauguration:


The Times article even states: " She purchased it in honor of President Obama’s second inauguration in 2013, and the choice this time around served as both a reminder of her longevity in the seats of power and a hint of exactly where her allegiance lies."

"Of course, it’s possible she just threw the old thing on and rushed out the door, though given the stakes surrounding the Trump meeting both for her own party’s leadership and the new balance of power between executive and legislative branches — plus, the fact that she knew the meeting would be televised and there would be a news conference afterward — it seems unlikely."

Mixed with the red coat and the blue and white background it almost seems a call out to the US flag.

Max Mara = MM = 13,13

Also she has one hand in her coat pocket but I never see that gesture in any of the broadly published images. Any meaning to a hand going in pocket? Hands on eye glasses?

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Notable Red "Coats":

Jesus' scarlet mantle during crucifixion,

British "Lobster-backs",

Red cape for bull fights

Wearing a vibrant, red coat implies you are confident, bold, and ready to make a sacrifice to achieve your goals. Most notably, it means you aren't afraid to "spill some blood" to arrive at the desired outcome. True to the joke in that Bill Engvall video, it includes your own blood as well.

In other words, wearing red is saying "look at me!" but more in the sense of putting a target on your back. You're a target dummy, ready to receive all sorts of punishment because "your blood will never show."

As it concerns the "lobster-back" British, it exudes a confidence akin to perceived invulnerability/immortality. Think about it militarily. Who in their right mind would wear RED on a battlefield? You're basically begging to catch a bullet, as it stands out amidst every landscape imaginable. Only those who are beyond confident, to a point of delusion, would dare wear all red on a battlefield. The only benefit in doing this is to intimidate your foes, saying "we're so strong, we'll even wear red as a handicap."

Of course, if you can't put your money where your mouth is, you'll have to grab your brown pants... As was the case with the British in the Revolutionary War. Their perceived superiority led to their own downfall, as their officers shirked their responsibilities assuming victory was theirs for no other reason than they were the British -- the most powerful military and navy in the world!

The moral of a red coat is that, ultimately, one's over-confidence is often their downfall.

Loop that all back around with Pelosi and it is clear she's willing to "draw enemy fire" so that others may escape/advance. It's not exactly red, however, being described as a "burnt-orange" or "rust" color. In that sense, it could mean she's willing to take damage in the form of "getting burned" or "getting rusty" or "tarnished." That tells me it's more of a reputation hit than a functional one. In other words, her reputation will get "burned" but she'll still be active. If it was a bright orange, a-la Trump, it would mean "Marked for Demolition/Destruction" like in the Godfather Oranges Comms. Think about where you'd find orange in your day-to-day. Usually, with road signs and pylons, it means construction/demolition is up ahead.

Hand in pocket could mean she "has one last trick in her back pocket" or she "has someone in her pocket." Basically, it means she's holding back some details to maintain leverage over people.

Eye glasses, like Hillary wore when her e-mails were first being investigated during the Benghazi scandal, alludes to her "being carefully looked at." That, or she is "having a hard time seeing" implying she's lost her ability to "look into things" freely. Either way, it's a limitation she otherwise wouldn't like to have.

Pelosi's use of eye glasses may imply she is about to look into something, someone's looking into her, or any number of "looking" or "surveillance" Comms. Basically, things involving her have to be looked at "through a lens." Cryptographically, it could be a clue to new "dials" being established for further, direct communications.

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The burnt orange was originally interpreted to be poking fun or insulting Trump. Schumer were an orange tie. The coat later became known as red but yeah it's clearly more a dark orange.

The color was scheme on the pins and shirts they had printed looks very (255,0,0) though. With white and blue background.

One last trick would be an appropriate com as she was with Schiff and he's clearly on the ropes right now.

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Jun 4, 2023·edited Jun 4, 2023Liked by sleepydude

Anything related to tree houses (in the yard behind him in the video)?


Makes me think "imaginary".

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What else has branches?

Can organizations, like companies, have branches?

Do banks have branches? Chapters, even?

Are you familiar with the phrase "money doesn't grow on trees"?

What if they did? Would that be fiat currency?

However, not all trees are branches, they're just a type of tree.

Basically, trees are plants. They witness the comings of goings of the world, but only a few have "eyes" or "ears" like potatoes and corn respectively. It's background noise, foliage, and flora that just "sets a scene."

Trees then, set not only a scene but the whole darn landscape. You look at a picture of a field and it's a field. You look at a picture of a field with a tree in it, and suddenly it's more about the tree than the field.

Slap a house in it, and what do you got? Well...

What's the biggest movie trope about tree houses?

"No giRLz aLLoweD!"

Tree houses are, basically, branches of an organization that host a Secret Society. The Freemasons call their meeting places "lodges" after all, and what else is a treehouse other than a house "lodged" in between the branches of a tree?

At least, that's my quick take on it.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by sleepydude

Thanks as always. I really appreciate being able to pop into your sub and ask random questions on symbolism and events.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by sleepydude

You are helping to make history. Thank you.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by sleepydude

Very nice resource fren.

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