

Oye, right on time. Does this look like China might be sending a message?

Two of the biggest things will happen next. 1: You will no longer be able to get replacement parts, for anything, especially automotive. 2: Silicon Wafers are going to be sold a at a premium to bump up the Taiwanese economy as they start their own Ukraine-style grift.

Translation? I hope your car is in tip-top shape. There ain't gonna be no fixes and no new cars for a while.

Oh, and Mike Johnson better get a move on with Israel. You can only invade Taiwan by sea in the Spring.

McCarthy = Ukraine.

Johnson = Isreal.

? = Taiwan.

I predict a new House Speaker, probably in mid-July at the latest.

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There's a story bouncing around Tw@tter that Israel sent a lone F35 armed with a tactical nuke to do an EMP burst over Iran, but it was shot down by those pesky Russians. Pepe Escobar is the source; he claims he was told by contacts in the Far East. Weapons nerds have been all over the story and pulled it to bits as unfeasible and impossible. Personally, I read it as comms...

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There's lots of Iran Comms with this recent batch of fighting.

As far as I'm concerned, nothing really happened. So, what's the meaning behind the stories?

Israel claims to have targeted Iran's "nuclear" sites in retaliation for a relatively unprovoked attack. Keep in mind, Iran would need to cross Iraqi and Syrian airspace to get to Israel with their missiles and drones. Them getting through is about as believable as all jets being unavailable to shoot down the hijacked planes on 9-11.

Furthermore, the Media aren't quick to shove the damage/impact sites off to justify Israel's response. So, something is fishy.

We have to keep everything in context with the Obama era's deals with Iran, as they underpin every action that Iran takes. They were paid in cash on palettes for what reason? Because any digital transfer of money would leave a trail.

If you ask me, Iran has blackmail of the "nuclear" variety, basically proof Obama paid to have Osama Bin Laden taken back to Pakistan (reread Q posts, dig deep) so they could continue the psyop.

As the story reads in Comms, Iran threatened to use that evidence of the payoff way back when and Israel responded by taking down the sites that housed the evidence. EMPs burn transistors. Talk of using EMPs is equivalent to taking out stored digital information. If you're hearing talk on backchannels they utilized an EMP, temper you expectations; they probably just hacked the sites.

This, of course, tips their hand. Iran now knows their servers have been infiltrated by Israel. For how long? Iran now has to completely redo their digital infrastructure and assume every system is compromised. Israel won this, but it came at a cost -- they tipped their hand and now Iran knows they've been compromised. Israel's play isn't a long-term solution, which means they acted out of necessity, not as a show of force.

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I believe that Iran, like NK was under clown control for a long time. Certainly the digs I did around the Iranian Revolution in 1979 suggested that the clowns were still pulling the strings behind the scenes even if the face of the country had changed. From what I read, at its top level Islam is all about business and as long as the Ayatollahs were getting paid they were happy. Both Peter Strozak and Valerie Jarret were born in Iran after all, so connections run deep. This also means that any $$$ shoveled into Iran by Obama would have found their way into the US black ops war chest. I do agree that hush money was also paid re: Osama. If Q's posts were real-time, then the strings that the clowns held in Iran were cut. Which means that the more recent payments that Bidan made were ongoing (nuclear) blackmail.

While Mos and the clowns sometimes work together they are still rivals on the world intelligence scene. One is the SS arm of the KM, the other the SS arm of Red Shield aka the Phoenician Navy. I believe that Trump et al are working with a third power that was taken out in 1917, because they refused to get down with events that were kick started in 1912.

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