The State of Comms
Just some rambling amongst the rabble of the crowd...
We’re in a lull period in terms of Comms.
Well, let me clarify.
Radio silent is effectively the same as static noise, at the end of the day.
Imagine a crowd full of opinionated assholes.
Got it?
Okay, now understand that there are two scenarios where no one can figure out what’s going on amongst the crowd. They’re gathered there for a reason, obviously, but if the dude on stage says nothing there are two possible reactions — everyone stays silent waiting for some sort of declaration or the crowd chatters amongst itself like a high-school cafeteria.
So, deafening silence or a cacophony of unintelligible rabble.
For the last 4 years, there’s been bursts of outrage directed at the DeepState Cabal for some of their ass-backward decisions in pursuit of a New World Order; or at the very least, in preparation for it. Lots of Mafias, Cartels, and Secret Societies were ignored and disrespected in this pursuit. Their interests did not coincide with the foolishness of the “Ruling” class making decisions with the sole imperative of World Domination.
Go figure, am I right?
Anyways, that’s the sole reason why Trump is President right now. Special Interest groups of a more Gray nature, as opposed to Black vs White, simply got so tired of being preached to in this crowd that they let the Orange man back on stage to take control of the crowd once again. His job, as agreed upon contingent on his election victory, is to return the public discourse to a calm and reasonable state.
Basically, at the start of Biden’s term the crowd was silent. By the end they were seeing red and pissing their pants in anger at all the decisions that left them high and dry, especially the perpetual spew of “trust us, bros, we got this” from the higher ups in the Cabal. Kamala’s campaign performance and attempt at the clear usurpation of the Democrat party was likely the last straw. There comes a time where no one knows who’s really in charge and, in a world of clandestine operations, not knowing who the hell is doing what is the worst position for everyone playing the game.
People like predictability.
Biden was predictable — at least in his incompetence, at least at the start. He had a reliable level of idiocy. It grew more hectic near the end there, but at least he didn’t flip flop on things every other day. You could make small bets and be assured that he wouldn’t screw you over at the drop of a hat.
Kamala was something else entirely. A total wild card that meant any bet you made be it on the stock market, on war, or on whether the sun would even bother coming up tomorrow, shook them to the point of abject terror. She signaled that the highest echelon of the Cabal were willing to totally sacrifice reason, throw EVERYONE under the bus, and even launch nukes for funsies so long as they got their Jezebel in place to fulfil the prophecy of the Whore of Babylon.
It doesn’t matter who, or even if they’re biologically a woman, so long as the public believes a female is sitting in power ready to herald in the Second Babylon.
Crazy as shit, right?
Yeah, the rest of the Cabal thinks that way too, now.
Disillusioned with the Obama Era promise that we’re entering the Dark Millennia, a lot of the “bet on black” folks are realizing the game is rigged — not against them but against the Signs of the Times.
This is not the “End Times”, at least not as prophesied.
They tried to “force God’s Hand” with the pLandemic, war in Israel and Ukraine (Khazar home-land), and the Leviathan/Dragon which eclipses all nations, aka the Main Stream Media. Dragon, in Comms = Obsession. Think: Fafnir.
The Sign they tried to artificially produce was an obsession with politics, by injecting it into everything using the Woke mind virus. They know Woke = Broke, that’s the point. They needed us all getting involved in politics, debate, and division, because “Diversity(Division) is our Strength(Weapon).” By forcing our joint obsession with identity politics, they leveraged the will of the People against itself. A house divided cannot stand. Getting us addicted to railing on the “you can’t believe what they believe!” stuff is all about summoning that Dragon. Instead of worrying about inflation, taxes, and government corruption we instead invest all our energies on rainbow flags, pronouns, and the black-washing of fairy tale and comic book characters.
That’s the Dragon; the Leviathan; the Obsession, that devours a Nation. We all bicker as the walls of our Nation burn down and the remains swept away in a great flood.
Picking Sides
They don’t really care which side comes out ahead, so long as the outcome is unreasonable and an overreaction to the rhetoric they injected on both sides. They need an overcorrection — because any deviation from moderation is Tyranny. Effectively, pushing a “One Size Fits All” mentality, no matter what color flag it’s supported by, either red or blue, will result in a Tyrannical Surveillance State that monitors your every doing to make sure you aren’t guilty of either Wrongthink or Moral Supremacy.
The Blue team wishes for power to enforce their Wrongthink police.
The Red team wishes for power to enforce their Moral Supremacy.
We’ve seen what the Blue team would do, since we’ve been through 4 years of it…
Don’t neglect what would happen if the NeoCon RINOs get that same degree of power. The Pendulum swings both ways. Basically, the Red team winning too much would result in a return to the closeted, fearful, superstitious, and a truly bigoted caste of suppressive ideologues, of equal but opposite intensity to the current state of the Woke Liberal Trash mindset.
They might be on the “right” side, but there is such a thing as going too far.
Just because you are morally correct does not mean you are virtuous.
Let me explain…
Karens. You know what a Karen is?
Sure, they might be “right” that the fast food employee put mayonnaise on their burger when told to leave it off. She’s morally correct, in that she did not get what she paid for. However, the attitude of the Karen makes her detestable. The overreaction to a simple mistake is worse than the mistake in the first place. A Karen doesn’t act because she seeks “justice” but because she seeks power and control. A Karen acts to feel morally superior, and to talk down to others.
Both sides can have Karens. It’s not an exclusive state of mind. Just as we are constantly preached to about compassion for our LGBTQ+ neighbors by blue-haired Karens, we can just as well be preached to about petty things like being chastised for playing violent video games or reading Harry Potter by red-haired Karens. It is Pharisaical, the peak of hypocrisy, to proclaim yourself as a morally upstanding citizen simply because you take pleasure in chastising your fellow man. It doesn’t matter what is deigned “morally righteous” because that’s merely a temporal cudgel with which to beat others into submission for their “wrongthink” or “moral degeneracy.”
“5 Hypocrite, first cast out that beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” - Matthew 7:5
Why does this matter?
Because that’s what the Cabal is all about… Thinking they “know better” than the sheep who would be helpless without them.
That attitude, the attitude of Pharisees and Karens alike, is what’s actually the rot in our Fallen state. When people can’t just keep out of other people’s business, to the point of DEMANDING “Massah Gubment” come in and “correct” the heathens and wrongthinkers by force, that’s when you know you’re under the heel of Tyranny.
The color of the flag may change, the worldview being espoused may swap, but, ultimately, when people demand other people adhere to a contrived man-made standard lest they face punishment, that is what is at fault. That is what leads us to ruin and division. God sets the rules we must follow, not a select caste of Pharisees with the power of the pen. If we do wrong, God will punish us according to Natural Law. There’s no need to censor or pre-empt action by sacrificing Freedom for the sake of Security.
“Freedom” is a counterfeit if you are not also Free To Fail.
True Freedom is when you are allowed to experience the consequences for your actions. Idiocy MUST be rewarded with pain, otherwise people will continue their idiocy unabated. God’s most holy promise to us in the Word of Law is that “Thou who shall fucketh around shall findeth out.” That promise is what causes the sun to rise and fall, and thank God that there is Constancy in this, lest no man be offered salvation. You cannot follow rules which keep changing. That is the way of the Tyrant.
God is not a Tyrant — the proof is in the Constancy of Creation. Up is always up. down is always down. It is the contrived semantics of Man which says otherwise.
When the Government steps in and protects people from their own failure, it breeds even more failure. The Debt must be repaid, and it comes out of the pockets and sanity of those who innately know better without having to be preached to or forced.
Back to the State of Comms…
It’s a Noisy Crowd
It’s noisy right now. Noisy, in that the aforementioned crowd is mingling with one another trying to figure out what Trump, Q, the 200 Generals, White Hats and various backers from the Wider Cabal are going to do now the idiots leading us to ruin over the past few centuries have been kicked to the curb.
Q gives us some insight…
“60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.” - Q586
You catch my drift?
We will have a declass, but 100% revelation would cause us to reset back to a stone age of sorts. Perhaps worse… Trust has already been worn thin enough as it is. If the incoming government can’t be trusted on account of the old one fucking things up beyond salvation, then people will simply throw up their hands and lose faith in humanity as a whole.
That plays into, maybe not the Devil’s hands, but something even worse, if you can imagine it.
The Devil want’s us to direct our faith in him and his Satanic Legion.
God wants us to come to him of our own volition.
What’s left?
People denying both, Devil and God…
Even denying their own humanity, and wishing — yearning for death to free us from the farce of life.
It must be avoided. It is the subtle yet pervasive force that underpins everything we’ve seen. In Comms it is referred to as the “Heat Death of the Universe.” If Heat/Fire = Passion, then a passionless world would equate to Perfect Nihilism.
BOTH sides, White and Black, God and Satan, do not want us to fall to that end. God, because He Loves us, and Satan because he cannot spite God without our cooperation. Truly, the worst fate is neither oppressive love nor violent hate. The worst fate is cold indifference to our collective fate — an apathy beyond comprehension.
So, the Comms reflects this right now.
They’re struggling to avoid Humanity falling off the wagon. We’re at a hand-off period where the wagon has violently steered from Left to Right. If we, Humanity as a whole, lose our grip due to indifference, it doesn’t matter where the wagon ends up…
We will have been lost. Left as orphans. Neither to Love nor Hate, but to freeze in indifference on the side of the road.
A big switcheroo is going on. The Wokies have lost control. Patriots have regained it. The Hidden Masters understand their Dark Millennia is lost, but some will still bitch, moan, and throw a tantrum out of a place of true insanity. If they rock the boat too much, everyone risks losing everything.
That’s why I’ve been so silent lately. I, too, do not personally wish to rock the boat, or wagon in this case. Comms rules are being rewritten to make sure nothing “slips” out of control or proportion. Deals are being made right now with very Gray outcomes. This is all to prevent Nihilism, as a Universal Force, from bringing an end to everything.
Imagine Satan as a bully who did unimaginable things to a kid, Humanity. The only reason the kid is alive is so the bully can continue to bully him.
Imagine God as a loving parent trying to get their horribly depressed kid, victim of the bully, to come out of their dark room and eat something after being violated, traumatized, and dehumanized. School is closed right now, though, so the bully can’t yet be punished…
Do you see the objectives?
The bully wants the kid to come back to school so he can continue to play with his “toy.”
God wants the kid to go back to tell the teachers, face down the bully, conquer the fear, and continue to learn as any good student should.
Between the two is the third option — Nihilism. Just ending it. In a way, the bully “wins” but the result of that is the bully also succumbing to that very same Nihilism when it is no longer possible to terrorize God’s child just to spurn God.
We are now at a crossroads, where Humanity is in bed, having assumed the fetal position, bruised and battered…
Q’s role in all this, or at least one of several, is to give us reason to keep fighting. To get up and WANT to save America — save that Shining City on a Hill. If Woke is a mind virus, consider Q to be an anti-virus. A Counter Insurgency. Even though Q has come and gone, with no real imperative for ever coming back since they’ve done what was needed, the operation has successfully taught us to be suspicious of that nagging self-loathing and yearning for death in the face of adversity. To think for ourselves. To not rely on the words of those we were “taught to trust the most.” Q has peeled back the curtain just enough, around 40%, so that we know just a bit about how bad we’ve been abused and how it’s not “normal.”
Bullying isn’t a “normal” thing. Not to the degree the Cabal have bullied us, anyways.
We needed a little hope to get us through this transition phase, going from Dark to Light.
Amidst the noisy crowd, it’s hard to find a Voice of Reason.
It’s even harder to admit YOU are the one being called to quell the rabble and re-establish silence. Silence, not out of fear, but out of respect for the Speaker.
Who was the Word again?
Once Comms settles down, the Magi will be able to see the Stars clearly again. Once that happens, I’m personally not sure what use I will be. Maybe I’ll join them? As for right now, though, I can only wait until words worth saying are said. Comms is just a cacophony of nonsense and speculation, moreso than usual. I cannot discern anything of worth, so I’m stuck just twiddling my thumbs right now with the rest of you. All of the Cabal is, actually. No one knows what these first 100 days will really bring.
We’ll know by the end of November, though, what timeline we’re on…
I do think we’re past the Nihilism ending, however, thanks to the efforts of Q and many others. Even if the main swell of MAGA hasn’t adopted the lessons, the influence has steered us out of that dark place of “no one else cares, so why should I?”
Even in the “bad” ending there’s still hope and time. The “worst” ending has already come and gone, thankfully. Even if White Hats turn out to be as black as the rest of them, we’ve still been emboldened with that Dream to Dare, and Dare Greatly.
I look forward to reading what you have to say. It gives me sanity. So, out of complete selfishness, please do not stop. If not on comms, at least to make sense of what is going on.
Thank you,
The lull before...