The Democrat Party is the party of slavery. Always has been, always will be.
That’s LITERALLY all they know; how to force people to do their dirty work. From their very inception their aim has been to leverage popular opinion to enforce hierarchy using “majority rule” as a cudgel to beat the uninformed into submission using peer pressure and bandwagons. Theirs is a scheme to pit and play Tribes against one another. They play both sides, ensuring they always come out “on top” of the proverbial pyramid.
Everything they’ve ever done has been subversive. Their number one tool is to trick people into doing things against their own best interests. Keeping their “prey” ignorant of the truth is essential to that game. Psychological snares. Encouraging them by chanting “You’re the good guy, you’re changing the world!” further reinforces their brainwashing tactics.
Brainwashing and indoctrination are the tools of the trade.
This should come to no surprise, however, because Liberalism requires such schemes. Liberalism is a philosophy based on the the “liberal use of Government in all societal functions.” As one would apply soap liberally, Liberal economics applies a heaping glob of Government onto everything.
As we all know, anything the Government gets involved in is slow, inefficient, bloated, overbudget, incompetent, and downright soul-crushing…
So, who in their right mind would look at the DMV and say “oh, yeah, let’s put those guys in charge of healthcare”?
No one. That’s who.
Well, no one aside from masochists and scam artists, perhaps…
So, the Government must TRICK people in to voting for more Government.
More Government = More Taxes.
NO ONE would willingly opt to pay more taxes. Just as NO ONE would willingly work for another person without just compensation. You can’t force people to be “charitable.”
“Forced charity” is slavery, plain and simple…
And, where do Slaves live?
On the Plantation.
The Plantation
Let me take you back to a time before the Media oligarchs, the Corporate Hegemonies, and the Global Police State…
Back to a time where your news came from pamphlets, town criers, parlors, and merchants from over the hill.
You grew up knowing what your father taught you. Your father knew what his father taught him. The acquisition of new knowledge came purely from experience. You’d witness something, and then you’d know of it. Carnivals and fairs had a purpose in ferrying oddities from town to town, displaying trinkets and foreign ideas like museums on wheels. While you could never count on their shows to be completely accurate, it’s the best you’d ever get to touching that far-off place that’s months of travel away, at best.
Even if you had the money to journey to the edge of the map yourself, there’d be no promise of ever coming back…
For some, the “edge of the map” was simply as far as you’d have ever walked.
On the farm all you knew was the farm. In the workshop all you knew was the workshop.
The only way to get news from far off places was by word of mouth. If you knew how to read, in no small part thanks to the Bible, then you could read pamphlets. Nationally reaching newspapers were slow, and often took months for a new issue to reach the corners of every state.
Much of what you knew you experienced first hand. Everything else you had to take on faith that it was correct. For that reason, the vast majority didn’t bother with anything that didn’t concern them directly.
This goes double for slaves…
On the Plantation all you knew was the Plantation.
If Massah didn’t tell you what was going on in the land of baguettes and souffles, you didn’t know about it.
If Massah didn’t tell you there was a place where the negro was a freeman permitted to own property and accumulate wealth, you didn’t know about it.
If Massah didn’t tell you there was a coalition of people called abolitionists working to free slaves and depose the practice of slavery, you didn’t know about it.
If Massah said the white men in blue uniforms north of that hill was coming to rape, pillage, and murder your kin on account of your skin color, then by God you’d better take up arms and defend to the death your way of life and the Massah that offered it to you.
Leaving the plantation is tricky.
That’s the Plantation life — “truth” is what Massah says is true.
Any dissenters get the whip, the hotbox, a gilding, or get strung up for others to see. It worked for the Romans, didn’t it?
In many ways, things haven’t changed much… the Democrat Party is still running the same racket, it just had to evolve with the times.
New Slavery, Same as the Old Slavery
Before the Civil War what was America known for?
What is China known for today?
Look at your clothes. Take a gander at the tag.
Where was it made?
Could you believe that at one time every prominent nation on Earth relied upon the Americas to fuel their endless need for textiles? That, once upon a time everyone KNEW that cotton came from the Americas and that it was thanks to Slavery that every European nation could sufficiently clothe their peoples?
Everyone knew Slavery was responsible for the success of the textile industry…
But no one really cared about it, just as the majority of people world-wide don’t care that China is now responsible for nearly all textile products in the world. Communism and Slavery go hand in hand, after all.
Slavery still exists, it just had to change its public image. A “Hollywood reboot” of the idea, if you would.
We still pick the cotton with large machinery, sure, but now the slave labor in processing the bolls is taken up by Asian sweatshops under the boot of Communist Tyranny.
A Plantation, however, is a Plantation.
It’s where people are born, raised, and die under the doctrine that they are a “sub-class” of human'; dull and fit only for menial labor. They are born and told “this is just how things are” and brainwashed to never question their status, nor from where the Authority to rule over them is really derived.
Power, you see, is the aim of Slavery. Control over the masses, the means of production, and the ability to grant permission to partake of the bounty of the land. To offer providence…
The product, however, has changed. It used to be bolls of cotton harvested one basket at a time. This, however, no longer affords enough power to be worth the unsavory practice of wrangling humans. They already print the money out of thin air. They already have complete control of the economic sector. All that’s left is the battle over the mind. There are far too many dissenters. No, what is necessary to harvest isn’t cotton bolls, but ballots.
The Democrat Party of yesterday harvested cotton with the use of Slaves.
The Democrat Party of today harvests ballots with the use of Slaves.
We’ve gone from a Physical Plantation to a Mental Plantation.
All thanks to income tax.
With income tax you turn the whole nation into a nation of Slaves. Everyone’s labor is harvested to serve Massah. They all harvest the bounty of the land and it all accumulates under the banner of the Federal Government. With the spoils collected, all that matters then is convincing the Slaves to grant you authority over its allocation. To sufficiently control the mind, one must first offer promises. Promises of free stuff is always the most successful tender in exchange for one’s mind.
Free medicine.
Free food.
Free housing.
Guaranteed jobs.
Were these not the same promises offered to Slaves? Were these not part of the contract to ensure the security of the ignorant in exchange for grueling labor in the fields? It’s “free” so long as you “do your part” of the work.
You could NOT be a Slave, right? Just as you could starve. They’ll say “it’s better to be a Slave” and “you need our help because your kind cannot survive without it.” They say very much the same things these days. The common sentiment is that minority populations are completely unable to succeed without a “hand up.” Without “opportunity”, or as they pronounce it, “opp-or-toon-i-tee.”
Do you see how someone might be enamoured into accepting a Slavery contract?
In modern times, the trade off cost, the risk, has never been lower. It is absorbed by a nebulous entity we call the Government. The Government takes all your burdens away like a Christ figure, and displaces your failures onto others in the name of “equity” not “equality.” In reality, it’s not your own labor you are handing away with your agreement to the contract, but the labor of all those forced by the end of a gun to give a portion of their pay, their labor, to the Government. The Government then gets to decide where the wealth of the land goes.
Ultimately, our People must pay another for the Right to work…
There is no dystopian nightmare worse than that because the infringement on our God-given rights is so subtle. In order to do this they need the cooperation of a majority. To attain this majority, they must lie, cheat, steal, encourage ignorance, villainize dissent, and brand any who might engage in critical thought, who dare to question the authority to take the fruits of labor from the worker before they’ve even left the field, as domestic terrorists and spreaders of “misinformation.”
It is this dystopian dream of our “rulers” that has brought about a Mental Plantation.
So long as you vote the “right” way, you will be given a portion of the spoils of our collective labor. Those who don’t vote the “right” way are racist, sexist, transphobes, uneducated(unindoctrinated), and belong to the “Boogeyman” — the ones in blue uniforms across the hill coming to take away your way of life!
Cotton bolls were traded in for Ballots.
This is why they call it “Ballot Harvesting.”
Cotton Bolls and Ballot Boxes
“Pick that cotton, boy!”
“Don’t listen to those abolitionist lies. You negroes can’t live without us.”
“Look at ‘em, trousers under they asses, hollerin’ and hootin’. Singing ‘bout rapin’, shootin’, killin’. Nothin’ more than some good ol’ mandingo keepin’ them docile. They fight theyselves, and we get to laugh and watch the spect’cle. They’d be nothin’ without the opportunity we grant them.”
This is how they think of people. Of their subordinates. Of minorities.
That’s how they see their beloved “People of Color.”
Remember, “Colored People” is offensive. They’re “People of Color” now, as if there’s some sort of difference…
The same tricks have been utilized in the DNC as they have been for generations of Plantation life. The only difference is that this time it’s not just black people that are used as slaves. No — they lay claim to all minority races, as well as whites dumb enough to buy into the “free stuff” scam. Usually, it’s women who have a fervent desire to virtue signal how wonderful they are on addictive social media…
Instead of picking cotton, we now have ballots.
What you see is a perfect analogue between past and modern slavery. It works now because it has always worked. Only, the plot has now evolved and donned a propaganda-led camouflage. This is the “magic” of Comms which has ensorcelled oh so many in the Cabal. They see these systems play out, and their “prey” eagerly take the bait, and think “It must be true, I AM special!”
Offer people “free” stuff in exchange for their labor. Then, you can reserve currency of real, substantial worth for those of a certain “race.” The Race of Cain… A pyramid of lies befits the scheme of the Masons. Liars leading liars; in truth, all slaves to the same lie, that “you can be like unto God, but without God.” God is all powerful, so in their minds they must be all powerful; they must accumulate followers, because they believe themselves to be gods and what god doesn’t have worshippers?
To have power, one must have control.
There is no better system of control than popularity, which is why they work tirelessly to corral the minds using every psychological manipulation available. To make Stars that people watch and follow, even unto their dying breaths.
These loyalists, the “True Believers”, are Slaves that actually do believe in the institution of Slavery. They believe that they are helpless without the hand of Massah directing their every action. They believe that God is the World, and those who have wealth in the World are closer to God. Whomever they “elect” to be in charge of the wealth of the Nation, therefore, is God’s incarnation, and so they work tirelessly to bring about the birth of their God by any means necessary.
These freaks worship Government as their pitiable Anti-Christ figure… as an “incorporation” of the body of Luciferian doctrine.
Slaves on the Plantation dare not revolt, because there is no life without Massah in his columned palace on the hill.
So, loyal DNC workers go out and harvest ballots — from mailboxes rather than cotton plants. Mass mail-in ballots predicated on a pLandemic complete the scheme. Once they have them all bundled up, they toss them into the cotton gin, which separates seeds from the fibers.
The Cotton Gin’s manufacturer, these days, goes by the name Dominion.
Look… just Slaves sifting through cotton like they’ve always done…
Enamoured by the promise of “free stuff.”
Believers of the lie of lies. Those taken in with the idea that freedom FROM consequence is preferable to freedom OF consequence. They shift their failures off to one another, even blaming the infamous “boogeymen” the MSM slave drivers taught them to fear and hate instead of accepting accountability for their own mistakes. It’s always easier to blame others for one’s own shortcomings.
These fools are completely unaware and unafraid of the accumulating debt of our Nation…
Our debt is the selling off of the labor of the Nation to Special Interests groups that don’t have YOUR interests in mind. Benefactors of the modern-day Slave Triangle.
Slaves do it because it’s how they were taught to do it. Because they grew up on the Mental Plantation. Because that’s just how life is. Because they’ve been indoctrinated to believe in anything Massah DNC and their MSM slavedrivers say. They have no plan to “overcome” their indentured status because doing so requires them to admit their oppressors are the ones they’ve been taught to trust all along.
It’s hard to admit YOU are the fool that feeds Evil.
The whip of the taskmaster is guilt, shame, and peer pressure. You’re kept in line, shackled to and by your own like in a bucket of crabs. If you succeed, it was only because Massah let you become a “house negro.” No Slave can elevate themselves — it’s only through the permission of the sacred DNC and the “opp-or-toon-i-tee” that’s afforded a loyal Slave, one who is willing to humiliate themselves, to then take from the mere scraps of Massah’s table as though it were an enviable gift from On High.
Anyone who offers another way is branded an “Uncle Tom.”
Never mind that Uncle Tom was a hero in the tale, who pretended to be loyal to Massah as a house negro so he could eventually lead slaves to their freedom. The use of the term is yet another example of how they consistently manage to turn their heroes against them, using ignorance and mob psychology to hide the truth. They further make heroes out of the worst examples among them, such as George Floyd.
It’s shocking how they now abhor the words “Be judged not by the color of your skin, but by the content of your character!” Anything that does not consecrate Government is seen as heresy against their Religion of the World.
They also support sports, which amounts to nothing more than the practice of mandingo — watching two Slaves beat one another to death for the amusement of their masters and the blood-crazed masses. It’s no mistake that most modern sports consist almost entirely of minority players now. It’s all part of a historied humiliation ritual. The “lesser” races beat each other to a bloody pulp as the Bloodline families cheer in amusement.
When I see modern sports, I cannot help but see this:
No different than gladiatorial slave matches of the Roman Colosseum. “Beer and Circuses”, keeping the masses passive. Grown adults with another man’s name on their back, howling like ravenous wolves as two or more men tear one another apart for favor and “opp-or-toon-i-tee.” It’s even worse when the NCAA wrecks knees and bestows pounding concussions on their victims in exchange for a lousy slip of paper and a contract to the “big leagues” where more ruin awaits them.
Slaves and gladiators; blood and money. Just with a new coat of paint…
Sponsors and contracts control their speech, their beliefs, where they might live, and who they might associate with. After their time in the field, they become court jesters paraded about by corporate strings to trick others into buying what they’re told to buy, supporting what they’re told to support, and believing what they’re told to believe.
How appropriate that their shoes and equipment are all stitched together by slave sweatshops overseas… The more things change, the more they stay the same. The same people, absorbing ever more Tribes into their Slave Triangle.
Though, they do often permit some to become “Community Organizers”; politicians, influencers and celebrities, thus sparing them the broken bodies. Some are allowed dominion over drugs and crime, heralded as great “thinkers” who put rhyme to beat and call it inspirational music of their “culture.”
Music talking about how wonderful it is to take and give nothing back…
A “culture” that did not exist until the Democrat party corralled them into urban ghettos and taught them how to despise merit and trust only in the Tribe.
Thug gang culture…
A self-perpetuating cycle of Slaves on a Mental Plantation, bound to their temptuous vices, habits, and self-policing — making sure no one dares to leave the Plantation and go join up with those “lying” abolitionists and their “false” promise of Freedom to Fail.
The only way you can have the Freedom to Succeed is if you also have the Freedom to Fail. Things of actual worth require risk. There is no merit in being handed everything. There is no merit in relying on “opp-or-toon-i-tee” that they have been instructed to chant as their one and only reason for or for not having found success; that those who withhold opportunity are oppressors, and not the ones whispering sweet lies into the youth’s ears.
The Eye of Providence is the Eye which Provides — the Master of Slaves. All who beckon forth prayers for its foul succor are shackled to the false god which is the “Illuminated” Satan.
That is the banner of the Mental Plantation.
Fake money, denoting your compliance with the fantasy.
Printed on the back of denim, cotton slips of paper.
Grown in the slave fields.
Collected by the Ballot Harvesters.
Empowering the False God of Government which offers to replace all your woes if you but sign on the dotted line, bow down, and worship.
Where many a slave chant “my body, my choice!”, “black lives matter!”, “all cops are bastards!”, “silence is violence!”, and “anyone who doesn’t agree with me is a NAZI!”
All just slaves picking cotton on a Mental Plantation…
Doing what they’re told, because that’s all they’ve ever known.
Afraid of thinking for themselves, lest they be cast out of their Tribe.
So afraid of failure, they’ve sold their soul to the Company Store.