Imagine, if you will, that we exist in a truly Karmic World.
What do I mean by that?
Well, it means that if you as an individual do bad things, bad things will happen to you.
It also means that if a culture or society does bad things, bad things will happen to them — above and beyond what is easily discernable by logic and reason. What I mean is, let’s say every time 51% of a culture agrees that sodomy is acceptable behavior there are rampant earthquakes visited upon that culture.
What do earthquakes have to do with sodomy? I mean, we can come up with any number of funny quips and innuendo, sure, but logistically the two don’t have anything to do with one another. Unless you dip into figurative speech, one cannot feasibly be the consequence of the other, right?
Now, what does this have to do with our current political climate?
Well, there are a few possible realities:
A: Action and Consequence, Cause and Effect are immutably linked and held constant. I call this Constancy.
B: Action and Consequence, Cause and Effect are relative, meaning it depends on the belief systems of the cultures involved. I call this Relativity.
C: Action and Consequence, Cause and Effect can be merely correlative, and not essentially causative. I call this Superstition.
Among these, I like A.
B sucks, but is tolerable.
C is total ass. C is bad ending. Very bad, bad ending.
C is what the higher ups in the Cabal believe. Not only do they believe that actions and consequences can be logically unrelated, but that they can be back-fed.
What do I mean by that?
What I mean is, according to my example above about sodomy and earthquakes, they believe that if they CAUSE earthquakes it will result in 51% of people becoming sodomizing maniacs.
Even if the two were related, you see the ass-backwards logic there?
You see how insane that sounds?
You see how unpredictable and purely chaotic it would be?
It would mean that just because you held a door open for someone one too many times your Karmic reward is having an ACME style anvil drop on your head while a mariachi band plays in the background.
Think about it this way. You know the Menstrual Cycle? How a woman’s period sorta jives with the waxing and waning of the moon and the tides? Kinda crazy if you think about it. What if EVERYTHING had its own menstrual cycle. What if those cycles aren’t just bound between vaginas and the moon? What if your ability to answer the questions on a test correctly was the direct result of the temperature of the last cup of coffee you drank? What if the price of eggs in China fluctuates with the consistency of the bowel movements of a guy named Greg in Minnesota? It’s like if a programmer for a video game just started inserting variables into all the game engine and physics equations at random.
It’s an incongruence between Cause and Effect. Things happen not because of the preceding events before them, but because some archaic system of totally unrelated circumstances just so happened to occur in some freakish sequence.
Put another way, things like glitches and exploits in video games would be possible — only for those “illuminated” few who have trialed and errored enough to discover them:
You get it now?
When Action and Consequence, Cause and Effect are not held constant, you can just “win screen” by performing some archaic ritual and “game” the Source Code of the Universe into bending to you whim.
This is why the Cabal perform their gay little Satanic rituals. They TRULY believe they can back-feed the “memory” of the Universe into giving them the necessary win conditions without having to beat the actual game as designed.
In other words, shortcuts.
Lots and lots of shortcuts…
Now, assuming they are correct in that they can put a load of candles around in a circle, draw a star, and then stab a pig’s heart to get their rival to have a heart-attack, we must also consider that, like with video games, there’s the possibility that if they “mess up the trick” they will “soft-lock” the “game” they are playing.
Taken even further, what if you can “soft-lock” another person’s “game”?
In Black Magic circles, they call these “curses.”
You set up all the conditions for your target to fail with impossibly narrow options for escape, such that they cannot avoid catastrophe. Unlike a video game, you can’t just reload the save. You only got the one attempt.
Even further, what if you can set up these “soft-locks” for an entire culture, society, nation — hell, even the whole damn world?
The particular Cult that believes they can do this call themselves Globalists.
They use the callsign “Climate Change” and “Global Warming” to address one another.
They’ve attempted to set up a “soft-lock” for Earth by fulfilling the specific ritual criteria for our inevitable failure. Philosophers may call these various criteria the “End Times Prophecy.” They don’t have to be unwaveringly specific, so long as they meet the necessary triggers. For example, if a recipe calls for “sweetener” you don’t have to be overly scrupulous on whether sucrose, sucralose, fructose, dextrose, or lactose, glucose, etc. fulfils the recipe the best. You just need something sweet to fit the bill.
If what you bakes looks like a cookie and tastes like a cookie, then it’s a cookie.
Enough of a cookie to fool people who you offer the cookie to anyways…
Remember, Black Magic is about manipulation. Getting people to do things they otherwise wouldn’t under false pretenses — Deception. Scams. Rackets. Fraud.
Effectively, this premise is enough to lay out what I mean by the “Bad Ending.” It means that not only CAN you soft-lock all of humanity into a hell of our own making, but that it is already done; finished; we’re screwed. The only way out is to “soft-lock-pick” using insurmountable odds to wiggle your way out of an otherwise unwinnable game. It requires a lot of reloading the save over and over and over again, hoping that just once you can thread the needle and escape our bondage.
Not only that, but consider that they’ve also performed ritual after ritual after ritual, effectively soft-locking us in many numerous ways. Stacking us under a pile of bad odds and poor chances. We’re not just stuck using a single “game mechanic” but instead stuck according to MANY “game mechanics” such that we must now thread a multitude of needles simultaneously.
To get out of this bind, we’d need a miracle, am I right?
But, before that, let’s talk a bit more about our current landscape…
Fake And Gay.
The “soft-lock” conditions we currently face, among many others is that of a Fake and Gay variety. Fake news, gay beliefs. Gay, not just in the limp-wristed fudge-packing variety, but in a “blissful and carefree” kind of way. People just doing what they want, damned be the consequences. The sin of Pride doesn’t just involve sexuality. It’s about not caring about right and wrong — only what feels good. It’s about shirking accountability. It’s about ignoring the second half of the phrase “what goes up…”
Consequences. Remember what I said up top?
We’re talking about whether or not anything has reliable and predictable consequences here.
Getting pounded in the ass doesn’t mean we’re gonna be accosted by a series of earthquakes. What it does mean is that you might get a venereal disease, a prolapsed anus, or an anal fistula. What it does mean is that you are likely going to pursue more and more perverse forms of sexual gratification in order to “chase the high” of doing naughty things with random queer men in the bushes behind a Starbucks.
The consequence of doing gay stuff is internal and external. Not just in the anus, internal, but emotional and psychological damage. That psychological damage, and the ensuing coping mechanism artificially enforced by our currently insane society to make you feel like you did nothing wrong and, in fact, should be proud of your ass-fuckery even to the point of adopting it as your sole identifying characteristic, doesn’t just stop at you. It changes your habits. It changes what you value. Those changes, applied to a group, are potent enough to alter economic doings.
That conclusion applies to all forms of “Gay” as described above. Remember, being “Gay” is about taking Pride(sin) in doing things humanity has historically found repugnant. It’s not just that a queer guy likes getting ass-pounded, it’s that it changes behavior. That behavior change translates to alterations buying power, among other things. We all suffer when people abandon the tried-and-true traditions that the foundations of our carefully constructed ecosystems rely upon. Our world is built upon the Nuclear Family template. You can argue whether it’s the morally correct choice, but that is actually inconsequential. It doesn’t matter if it is the right or wrong choice. What matters is that EVERYTHING we rely upon to sustain our way of life, from electricity to running water, is designed with the Nuclear Family in mind. The proof may be subtle, but it’s there.
So, when you have people of the same sex asking to get married, it is actually an exercise in futility. Why? Why do they want a special piece of paper saying they are something to one another? Why do they want the approval of the Government? Taxes? Or is it something more symbolic?
The truth is that it’s just “what you’re supposed to do.”
Says who?
Says tradition.
It’s a coopting of a tradition without any understanding of WHY it is a tradition to begin with. If they actually cared about one another beyond superficiality, they wouldn’t need approval from the Government as though it was a replacement for a god that they don’t believe in anyways. They want to take part in a system built meticulously over generations, but they don’t really care to uphold the things that make it stable. They only want recognition of being “part of the group” but don’t want all the responsibility that comes along with holding up the walls of civilization.
They don’t want to face the consequences for putting a marshmallow in the place of a foundation block. Instead, they want others to carry the load.
It’s not just about sexual orientation. It’s about not upholding your end of the Social Contract. We agree to do things to be functioning members of society. Those who decide to just ignore those tenants and do their own thing while still expecting to be treated “equally” are simply moochers and flakes.
Fake members of society. They deceive themselves as much as they deceive others. They struggle and toil to enforce their fantasies upon us, because it will aid them in living a lifestyle incongruent with a stable, rational society.
Notice the outcome. You will know them by their works…
We’re dealing with people whose motto is “the ends justify the means.” They don’t really care about queers and fags. What they really care about is disrupting the social order by injecting weak component into its foundation. Taking good, strong, and loyal people and turning them into selfish, delusional, and weak blocks not even capable of holding up a fart let alone their gigantic, fat asses.
This is what the Cabal has sought to curate. Tons of people disinterested in upkeeping the common good that is the Social Contract. This is how you destroy a nation — by attacking it at the roots. The Tree of Liberty can’t soak up the blood of Tyrants and Patriots if you cut the roots off at the stump.
That’s their Endgame.
Inject a miasma of “do what thou whilst” into the mind of every person they can. Within a single generation, because that’s all it takes, the sentiment of “why should I care” ultimately brings everything our forefathers have painstakingly built to utter ruin. You need not fire a single shot, as the disinterested and crestfallen will happily shoot one another over scraps and to feel like they have even the slightest bit of power over the mortal coil.
Call it enshitification, lazy millennials/genZ, or whatever. The point is that things get worse because people get worse. When everything is Fake and Gay, people stop being “people” and start being alone.
Bad News Bears
When it comes to the “Bad Ending” I’m 100% on board with the idea that we would have already lost 60+ years ago, and we’re just figuring it out now. Both sides, actually.
If so, even the Cabal of today were duped. The goal was to destroy humanity, right? That’s what Demons want, right? Why play favorites? Just convince a group of “Chosen” retards that they and their offspring are special and excluded from the downfall of humanity. Then, when the ones with any real smarts die off and leave it to their bumbling spawn, we’re just left with the idiot offspring of once genuinely evil but clever jackasses that got duped by malicious forces. Their joint incompetence guarantees there is no going back, no change of hearts, and no greener pastures left to fawn over. Anyone who could have righted the ship they had destined for an iceberg have long since passed on. What remains is their legacy — a promise that we will crash and burn.
We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but Power sand Principalities.
They lie. They deceive. They manipulate. IT’S WHAT THEY DO!
Why would ANY of them think they were immune to the deceptions of the Devil? Satan loves nothing and hates humanity at the core, so why play favorites? It’s beyond reason to assume he’ll make exceptions when his hatred runs so deep.
There can only be one at the top of the Pyramid, and let me tell ya, it ain’t gonna be human.
Of course, this would extend both into the White Hat and Black Hat squads… Both are part of the Cabal.
Remember, we’re exploring Option C here. Superstition.
Shit sucks in that reality. We’d be mere play things of celestial beings beyond our comprehension. Without the Constancy of God, without a blind and even Natural Law, we’d be up shit creek without a paddle.
For now, continue to consider the repercussions that Option C fully entails.
Everything cannot be predicted with assurance. What happens if you drive a nail with a hammer? Well, the nail goes into the board. Okay, but what if it only has a 90% chance of working, regardless of the materials involved, your technique, or how focused you are. Like an old RPG game, you simply have a “Hit Rating” that’s a contrived hodge-podge of unrelated real-life variables that are nigh impossible to comprehend without a crap-ton of trial and error. I mean, there’s some constancy in that those unusual connections are held in place, but that they even exist to begin with is the head-scratcher.
We’re talking about a looney-toons level of unreliability here.
You go to hit a nail, you hit it, the hammer touches the nail, you hear a clink, but you just get a “Miss” notice appear above the nail and nothing happens. Could you imagine?
Now, why am I laying this out so explicitly?
Because this is kind of how economists think. This is how statisticians think. This is how the number crunchers think. They think EVERYTHING comes down to chance. Their entire worldview, their vocation, takes chance into account for everything. Nothing is certain except that probability has the last laugh. Every decision you make, and its successes, can be graphically drawn up. There’s no yes or no, but a “spectrum” of maybes. A scale of 0.00 to 1.00. You roll the dice and the dice alone determine if you will be able to hit your target. Your skills can only shrink the probability which are wholly decided by the wayward god of chance.
That’s how they think.
But, it’s not totally out of their hands, or so they believe. If they “game” the stats they can increase their odds. They just have to perform the proper rituals in order for the dice to be in their favor. It’s akin to knowing that random number generators are based on an internal clock of the processor and if you know that value you need only press the button at the right time.
Like superstitious bowlers who have to complete a ritual in order for them to get a strike.
When they are “that far gone” they believe they CAN manipulate the chances by appeasing the chance god. They just have to do what they did EXACTLY as they did before. Trial and error.
They write it down and it forms a playbook of rituals. A Grimoire, as the Satanists call it.
Once this superstition takes hold, they begin to share this information. They begin to believe it, completely. They build cults around it. They have various initiation rituals that must be done for someone to acquire the “revelation” of there gay little bowling ritual. “If you do it just like this, you cannot fail!” That’s the promise to their underlings.
Notice, however, that all this is built upon a false assumption.
That assumption, being, that you can control the “dice of life” by hitting the buttons at the right time and in the right order. Then, it only matters who are “illuminated’ and those who are not which determines the probability for success.
The “Dice of Life” are False
Now, let’s dispel this prior notion.
Option C is, itself, FAKE AND GAY!
The Dice of Life are FALSE!
We do not live in this hellscape of odds and probabilities. That is all a man-made attempt at describing the world with random occurrences and coincidences. It’s all an attempt to describe a world with an uncaring, passive God, if there even is one.
They are mistaken.
Your ability to succeed is not bound by mere chance nor convoluted ritual. Things happen that result in things happening that result in whether or not you’ll be able to afford groceries today. There is no god of chance. There is one God. His promise is that houses built on sandy shores will not stand. Sacrifice all the chickens you please, it will do nothing to secure your home amidst the storm. His promise is that those who act may either win or fail, but only those who do not act are destined to fail.
“You miss 100% of the shots you never take.”
That’s God’s promise.
Not that some archaic series of rituals will somehow guarantee success.
Likewise, you can go to college, get good grades, get a degree, have looks, charisma, and connections, but that does not mean you’ll get a job. You did the ritual, but the outcome is not assured. It’s not something a spreadsheet can explain. It’s not something you can harp up to “it is what it is” either. It’s because events and circumstances that you alone have no ability to comprehend or control have resulted in you not being able to acquire a job. People do things and things happen to those people.
If you think a % sign can explain everything that happens, then you worship a false god; an idol of coincidence. There are no coincidences, at least not in the sense that the Cultish Cabal believe there to be.
A good harvest does not rely on you sacrificing the blood someone by lottery to the earth.
It does not rain because you successfully threw a virgin into the volcano this year.
Earthquakes aren’t a result of sodomy and wanton sexual acts.
Belief in all these things are identical to the bowling ritual. Superstition.
Now, make no mistake, Old Testament rituals were done to praise God out of genuine Love, not garner His favor in exchange for wealth and wellbeing. Burnt offerings were reciprocations, not provocations for God to act. They were thank-you letters and love letters rather than “make my problems go away” letters.
Things happen because they’re slated to happen, as a result of Cause and Effect.
The only deviation from this reality is the intercession of both US and GOD. Not a false god, not a god who carelessly rolls the die to determine what happens next. God had spun the Universe into motion, and only occasionally acts to prevent it from rolling you over. The reason you survive an avalanche is because you were BOTH prepared AND God had a plan for you. God is not required to save you from your own idiocy. If you go out into the snow in your skivvies and expect to not lose a finger or two, it’s your own misguided belief in how God works.
7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. - Matthew 4:7
In other words, you Fuck Around, you Find Out.
God’s not gonna save someone who puts Him to the test.
You do stupid stuff, you get stupid rewards.
Action and Consequence. Cause and Effect.
God will only step in for those who mean well and He has a role for them to fulfil. It’s beyond our reckoning. It’s not describable by chance and the roll of the die. Describing God as such an uncaring and lackadaisical god is uncouth.
That’s why the Cabal still toil so.
They just can’t see why their numbers are so off mark.
They cannot accept that they have no control over things, neither in probability nor ritual. They cannot accept that their plans can all be unthreaded so easily by “forces unknown.” It is hard for us to thread the needle, but it is not so for the One True God. We are not omniscient. We do not know everything. We each have a limited scope of what has been and what might be. God, however, knows all of what has been and might be, such that He has accounted for all that we have not. We know, through testimony, prophet, and signs, that He has not left us as orphans to the winds of chance, the Vedic Winds. God moves us towards a guaranteed end, paid for in His Son’s Blood and the Blood of Martyrs. What differs is the path to get there. We choose our own paths, and whether or not we “lose” in the end. God, however, has already granted us the “win” condition. We just have to not fuck it up lest we find out.
That’s why I say we have averted the “Worst Ending” but that does not mean we aren’t immune from the “Bad Ending.” We still have to DEAL with the horrible choices of those we put in charge of our lives. We have to DEAL with the repercussions of objectively insane and self-destructive leadership. We have to DEAL with the ass-backward logic of the brainwashed masses who can’t give up their addictions in order to salvage what is left of family and community. We have to DEAL with the mental and psychological scars that make people so crestfallen that they would actually prefer the bombs drop on their head than live another day in this fucked up world.
But, it’s not entirely in our hands. Just as our own success isn’t entirely in our hands, neither is our own failure. The good news is that while you are Free to Fail, it only goes as far as your ability to act. A paraplegic has a hard time committing suicide, for obvious reasons. This is something the Cabal can’t fully grasp. They can only do what they’re permitted to do according to the Authority dispensed to them. God doesn’t give out power to those by mistake or chance. He dispenses his Authority based on ability and promise. Those with much, much will be expected of them, and all that.
Not Left As Orphans
So no matter how much they try to “fuck things up” and “soft-lock” us; no matter how assured they are that they completed the gay little ritual which promises the odds ever be in their favor; no matter how chaotic they make things and how many they tempt with ruin — they will never get the last Word, because the Word alone is God and God is the Word.
That’s what they don’t understand. God wants us all to win, but God also lets us fail.
Freedom is nothing without the Freedom to Fail.
Love requires letting people grow on their own. You can’t grow if you don’t face adversity. A smothering god shows no love, as its disciples have no choice in loving their god back. They are slaves, not children, of that god. They do not love their god back freely. They aren’t allowed to turn away which means they aren’t also allowed to turn towards. They “aren’t” at all. They’re no different than rocks and clouds which find themselves where they are, just ‘cause. No agency means they are hollow shells, unable to reciprocate either love or hate.
Our God does not treat us so. He treats us with choice. He treats us with inheritance. We then choose whether or not we will seek that inheritance by our cooperation with God’s desire for us to have it. A King does not bestow upon his Heir the key to the Kingdom if the Heir has proven to be selfish, careless, and wanton.
In other words, if you are Fake and Gay you will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Fake, in the sense of you saying one thing but being another. Hypocrite. Deceiver.
Gay in that you do as you please, damn the consequences. Selfish. Proud.
The Cabal are smart enough to bank on that, but dumb enough to think if they make everyone Fake and Gay they will undo all God has done, as though they had completed the terms of a ritual. Who made up that ritual? It was not God. It was man, in his ill-witted attempt to Tempt God.
God’s patience has run thin. They mistake His doings, His miracles in offering second chances as a means by which to manipulate fate. It is not so. God’s Mercy is infinite, but His patience is contingent on your actions.
Cause and Effect.
At a certain point you have to cut off your arm, lest it decay you from within. God gave up his Body for our sake, but if we dare corrupt it He will and shall excise the fetid flesh to preserve the whole.
Of course, you have to do a ton of fucked up shit to get to that point. Not just that, but you have to be wholly unrepentant. God is Merciful. God is Mercy. He allows us to fail to a point, but never past the point where He can’t pull us back from the brink by force. The true Dark Night of the Soul is when you are taken to that brink and must either choose or reject God’s Mercy. Those who reject are already in hell — God need only leave them to their own devices.
This is what the Cabal does not understand, because they don’t want to.
So, they live in the fantasy of B and C — relativity and superstition. Removed from God. Hell in its own making.
The Faithful will not be joining them.
I realise I've fallen prey to a bout of nihilism of late.
Thanks for helping me to recognise what's going on. I can do the rest myself.
In one of your streams, you mentioned the timeline with the good, meh and bad ending, and your position at the time was uncertainty about Trump's actions, with the border in particular. That was a few weeks ago, and I found a nice summary on X on what's happened so far in the first 2 weeks of this administration:
Mexico caved
Panama caved
Colombia caved
Venezuela caved
Canada panicking
Mass deportations
Hostages are home
DEI programs ended
Bureaucracy slashed
FBI purges are underway
USAID funding cancelled
Gender ideology eliminated
DOGE already saved billions
51 intel agents lost clearance
Border crossings drop by 93%
Reservoirs filled up in California
Can you give a little insight into where you think that timeline is sitting now? Is this the sort of action you were hoping for? He's achieving a lot more than we could have predicted (atleast what I could have predicted), in my opinion. October to December is looking prime for that shift.