First, what is an Aristocracy?
ARISTO'CRACY, noun [Gr. best, and to hold or govern.]
“A form of government, in which the whole supreme power is vested in the principal persons of a state; or in a few men distinguished by their rank and opulence. When the supreme power is exercised by a small number, the government is called an oligarchy. The latter word however is usually applied to a corrupted form of aristocracy”
This is opposed to a Representative Democracy, or a Constitutional Republic, in that there is no representation of your demographic. The illusion of it, perhaps, but only a counterfeit sleight of hand to convince the masses that you’re working for them.
In other words, in an Aristocracy a small group of people make all the decisions, and those decisions are focused entirely on themselves. In Romantic English Aristocracies, like in the eras portrayed by works such as Pride and Prejudice, what that looks like is a base of peasants working hard lives and paying taxes so that wealthy aristocrats can live on their ancestral lands with stipends from those who work their partitioned lands. It’s very much just a refined way of looking at a feudal slave caste society.
There’s a group of slaves who work and a group of privileged few who reap all the rewards. They claim they work to “manage” the land, the persons, and the properties but in reality it pans out much like how bureaucratic organizations eventually bloat with useless stooges, become obsolete after achieving their original goals, and ultimately realize they have to create problems to justify their own organization’s existence. They must then resort to seeding chaos and upset in the otherwise stable society dynamic in order to fulfil a niche that is no longer required.
When it gets to that point, the point where those in charge are no longer needed but are still permitted to be in charge, it becomes an aristocracy. It’s the final form of delegated power — in that a population realizes someone needs to have final decision making powers, they grant them those powers to get over the problem, and then when the problem is solved they don’t give the power back to the people in which the authority originated. This is all very much in keeping with the Founding Fathers of the United States and how they viewed the Revolution as an essential act of finishing the cycle of the people taking back power to achieve independence now that they had their foot in the door for establishing their own individuality as a culture and country.
Basically, it all comes back to boom and bust. Nations rise and then they fall. People are born, they live, and then die. It’s the Mortal Coil, and a reality ALL things must face if you choose to live in this World.
Aristocracy, however, seeks to disrupt that cycle, thinking their delegated powers afford them some exclusion from the normal cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth. It’s a tale as old as time, in that those who gain wealth and comfort seek to extend that wealth and comfort indefinitely in order to forever escape the hard times which make strong men. They want a finish line to cross, where they can retire and never have to worry about chores or hard work ever again. They seek immortality, in essence.
Sorry, bud, it don’t work that way. You work until you die, and anyone who seeks to upend that reality will quickly find the only way to avoid it is to lie, cheat, and steal from others, duping them into doing the work you should be doing.
That life style never lasts…
In a nutshell, Aristocracy is the point where a culture enshrines the concept of nepotism as a feature in government. You are where you are because that’s where you were born. It doesn’t matter if you have done any hard work because your parents worked for you.
The silver spoon tarnishes in the mouth of a spoiled brat…
That’s where we are currently. At the definite point where all those corrupt Cabal members who actually knew how to game the system and run the world have died and left their spoils of war against humanity to their over-privileged aristocratic offspring. A bunch of nancies who dance about in garish attire, engage in depravity and debauchery, and want normalized their way of life at the expense of humanity’s collective sanity. They’re so set in their ways that they don’t realize a scam requires the victim to be unaware they’ve been scammed.
I will give them props, however, that their parents have done a very good job at hiding the existence of this particular rendition of the Aristocracy, safeguarding it from the fallout of their retarded offspring’s antics, but that time is coming to an end…
The Aristocracy is not “Well”
We are at a point in time where the multitude of privileged bloodline families to this Cabal of Aristocratic psychopaths is coming to an end, suffocating under the weight of their own indecision, ignorance of reality, and desperate obsession with maintaining the status quo while never having to work for real.
I should mention, however, that they do work, but it’s not real. It’s all a scam, fakery, and an illusion. Just a bunch of showmanship done to convince the People to hand them the keys over everyone’s own personal agency. They are beings who subsist entirely on the works of others, as parasites, but are far too dumb to realize that they are working harder to con people out of their pay than the pay is actually worth due to the inflation imposed on their gullible subjects. At a certain point robbing a bank becomes far more difficult a task than just running an honest business. When it’s harder to commit the crime than the crime rewards, you’re nothing more than a fool at best and evil at worst. A parasite who kills its host without first ensuring its progeny is a crappy parasite.
I’m sure you “feel” the idea, at any rate.
It’s a pretty obvious conclusion once you’ve seen it a few times. Basically, the Aristocrats in charge are so far removed from the fact that their world is propped up by the hard work of others, that they think they can do without a thinking working class. If you get rid of the “others” because they aren’t “of your world”, then your world crumbles with no foundation to rest upon. In many ways, this is an intentional feature implemented by God to ensure no totalitarian entity ever survives for very long.
It can be summed up thusly:
“Weak men make hard times.
Hard times make strong men.
Strong men make good times.
Good times make weak men.”
It’s a cycle. If you wish to upend that cycle, and not prepare for the coming storm, you’ll get crushed by the hard times. This is a mechanism put in by the Watchmaker to ensure the clock continues to click even when one gear starts to fail. Failsafes and redundancies in the system, which guarantee everything stays running even when one component doesn’t want to pull their weight. It’s a frequent weeding out of the bad, and is prevalent in all sorts of species. You might call it natural selection, but it’s not exactly the same as wolves over-eating their prey and summarily starving to death, thereby only leaving wolves who then carry on the trait which causes them only to eat when hungry.
Rather, it’s better thought of as a mechanism by which humanity may self-correct when everything goes awry. We will always run into times where tyrants descend from the representatives whom we invest our authority. We can’t all be so devotionally involved in government, and as such it requires representation in some form or fashion. This is why the Founding Fathers recognized government as a necessary evil. The only way to circumvent the “bad times” is to delay things by restricting the growth of the government to be slowest growing entity imaginable.
However… if you slow the tick-rate of the clock, you extend the duration of the “good times” as well as the bad…
Which is what we’re going through. The Founding Fathers were wrong on one front — that while they recognized that occasionally the Tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike, they didn’t acknowledge the fact that extending the “good times” by slowing down the life cycle government to a crawl also extended the “bad times” in equal measure. The pendulum swings back and forth, and the slower it swings one way must always translate to a slower swing in the other. That’s just common sense.
Which is why the years between 1776 to 1913 were the most industrious times of American wealth and the times of 1913 to now have been so bad.
In other words, the bigger you blow up a balloon, the longer it takes to deflate.
Unless you pop it… but doing that would mean the balloon could never be inflated again… or does it?
Which is why the Aristocracy is not well; not well at all.
They’re currently trying to pop the balloon during the decline period, thinking it will “freeze” the cycle. They are deluded enough to think doing this, and that “stopping” the cycle of good times and bad times, would result in them just being able to rule over a micro-chipped slave state indefinitely.
This cannot be done. You cannot break the housing of the Grandfather clock with the swing of the pendulum in order to stop the swing of the pendulum. Cycles rest within cycles, fractally, and to think ending one cycle frees you from the greater cycle is nothing but the ravings of a childish mind.
When you buy an appliance and it breaks down you replace the broken part. When the part is too big to replace, you replace the unit. A cycle within a cycle. God thinks the same as any homeowner does, and will not go without an appliance he painstakingly worked on to include in his home. Just because you don’t like a certain aspect of his home doesn’t mean you get to say whether something stays or goes, especially if you sabotage it. Doing so only incites God to punish you for trashing his otherwise well-oiled machine.
Think about it…
Does destroying your toothbrush stop your parents from demanding you brush your teeth before bed?
Does destroying your beater of a car get your parents to buy you a new car?
Does killing yourself actually scar your bullies into changing their ways?
These are nothing but the deluded notions of an immature mind. Punishment always follows the defiant child.
The Cycle of Cycles
An Aristocracy which seeks to avoid the fall of their time in power is nothing more than children having a hissy fit. As soon as they think they have ended a minor cycle, the major cycle shifts and they are right back where they started, with everything else in revolution as well.
The minor circle will perform several revolutions before it’s parent performs one. That parent has its parent, and that parent has its parent. Cycles within cycles within cycles.
Only God knows how infinitely deep the nesting goes.
Should one minor cycle end, its major will have completed a single revolution. This does not in any way shape or form end the minor cycle’s motions, as its function is still required. They cannot see beyond the current cycle to realize it is just one gear within many nested gears churning along in this Universal Stage.
What happens when a machine’s gear stops performing? The part gets replaced.
Breaking the minor gear does nothing, because the parent gear’s parent gear’s parent gear, on infinitely, is the actual Prime Mover. Destroying the minor gear does nothing to upend the original force, it only causes the Watchmaker to switch out the minor gear so a minor function can continue.
Their petty squabbles and attempts to lock humanity’s destiny in a holding pattern of their design CAN’T WORK because they don’t have the proper authority to affect the grander mechanics of this World. God alone, the Prime Mover, and the Watchmaker, has that authority and he only grants it to those he deems worthy in the moment, in the movement.
If they seek to prematurely end this minor cycle, it will then tick along the gear of the major cycle such that a full, major revolution is had. Seeing how the Cabal is currently in power on this major cycle, it will only serve to shift it such that the major cycle swaps to swinging in the way of the White pieces, the First and Prime Mover’s pieces. From black to white, from dark to light. That’s hardly beneficial for them, and only portends a coming of an age where their reign will be inverted. THEY will be the ones struggling to survive while the honest and meek will be in positions of decision and power.
That’s, ultimately, the saddest part. They are so rotten in their thinking they can’t see how futile an effort it is to try and stop the grand plans of God. This isn’t the first time nor the last that people like this will come about, but damn if it isn’t sad all the same.
Love this one. Your blog makes everything more clear. Thanks for the work you do!