I’ll be talking about who we can trust, because that’s in short supply these days.
What you need to understand is that you cannot trust someone who has no ability to act. Can you trust a man with no arms to save you from falling off a bridge? It’s logically foolish to believe he will catch you. So, if someone cannot act in a certain way, at least in a timely fashion, then you shouldn’t trust them in that capacity.
The same goes for any position, even the Presidency. You cannot trust a President to do things a President cannot do. It’s just unreasonable to do so.
Most of the time you can’t even trust your own senses. Aside from the mass deception campaign that’s going on, we also have to contend with us simply not knowing everything enough to come to 100% accurate conclusions. We aren’t omniscient, omnipresent, nor omnipotent.
So, who can you trust?
Well, who can do anything they want?
Who makes the rules?
There’s just one answer to that question.
I just binge watched every stream titled Sleepy Stream over the past few days.
I follow Sapioplex and DecodingSymbols also, but I think your views are the absolute base essence of the entire system, and those two are more geared towards decoding what the system has devolved into, which is mostly pop culture references.
Your work resonates with me deeply. I don't feel like I'm learning something new, I feel like I'm remembering something I somehow forgot.