We’ve all been there, or know someone who has.
You’re looking for a used car and the only places in town are filled to the brim with crooks trying to sell you a car with a glued on bumper.
That’s where the art of the deal turns into the art of the steal.
But times are tough, and so the sleazy car salesman has to adapt regularly in order to scam the masses into buying a bill of goods. The bigger britches these scumbags get, the bigger the scam.
Did someone mention the Federal Reserve?
Oh yeah, they’re the biggest scam artists of them all.
But, you may ask, “what is their modus operandi?”
What is their version of Super Duper Glue?
Well, it’s an altered form of bait and switch. They get you in, like a car salesman, and show off a dud; a lemon.
They talk about the car, about how the miles aren’t so great, there’s a little rattle under the dashboard when it rains, and the suspension has a bit of rust on it. They sell the car such that only a gullible stooge will buy it, knowing anyone in their right mind would reject it. Realistically, the thing is a hunk of junk. Now, if they nab the idiots on this first car looked at then they get rid of their lousy stock, so it’s the biggest win they can get. But, where that fails, it’s time to switch to Old-Reliable.
After a few cars they know you don’t want they get to build a profile of you as a customer. In fighting video games, they call it “downloading” you. A few rounds in the crucible just so they can feel you out and figure which shiny words get your ears ringing. Then they turn their cannons for the kill-shot and present Old-Reliable.
All the smoke and mirrors lead you to accept and even cherish an otherwise average clunker. Not exactly a lemon, mind you, but definitely not a plum either.
And with all their efforts they’ve successfully put the blinders on you and now you’re laser-focused on this car. As you drive off the lot the value dips another 15 percent and the sleazy car salesman readies his staff for when you come back bitching and moaning about how the warning lights lit up like a Christmas tree 2 blocks down the street.
Okay, you get the picture now, right?
The game plan is to present something obviously lousy and then when they hammer that into you as the only option suddenly switch to something less lousy, but still to their own benefit, as the “saving grace” come to rescue you from the original, lousy option. They psychologically manipulate you by re-tuning your standards to the worst outcome and drawing you far away from your preferred outcome.
They also do this all the time with federal appointments, presenting an obvious radical and grilling them through the media only to fall back onto a “moderate” candidate at the last second who is in on the take.
That’s the same scam the Federal Reserve is doing every damn time a bill gets passed that allocates federal funding. The politicians are their nice little worker bees going out and stinging gullible people right up their asses. How do they do this?
Well, let me give you an example.
Why, in the United States, would you ever want to get married? And, no, I’m not about to go into a MGTOW rant.
The common answer is because it gives you a tax break.
So the gays and lesbians come out and say “we want equal rights! we want to get married!”
What “rights” they’re really talking about are the tax breaks. It all comes down to money at the end of the day, and that’s what they want.
Then the LGBTQ+s and the Traditionalists get into a tussle with one another, going back and forth on what it means to be a woman or that marriage is between a biological man and a biological woman. Blah, blah, blah!
Phooey, I say!
You’re missing the ACTUAL enemy here. There’s a division tactic going on. There’s a bait-and-switch. We’ve accepted a lemon from the sleazy car salesman.
Do you see it?
Yeah, you got that right. It all comes back to the FED and their bullshit. What the FED does to keep us from realizing they’re stealing from us is to get us in petty little squabbles like marriage and drag shows to have us forget that we’re giving away upwards of 40 percent of our income, which goes on to pay for the very same division agendas that keep us embroiled in an endless bitch-fest to begin with. We’re paying for our own problems.
Divide and conquer.
That’s why I’m against ANY State-sponsored marriage initiatives. I believe that the State should have NO INPUT into the practice of marriage. No tax breaks, no initiatives, no welfare checks, no family court mandated payments — NOTHING. Because we wouldn’t have these issues if people were allowed to take home the full cheque they worked for in the first place; sluts wouldn’t be popping out endless kids if there weren’t incentives to have 6 kids by 8 baby-daddies.
All of it is a distraction, a bunch of “this is the way things are done” tacked up on a system that’s doomed to fail by design. It’s a rigged crap-show that is designed to keep us right where we are and squabbling amongst ourselves on petty, semantic nonsense and legalese.
My solution to any child custody nonsense is to have lawyers draft up the terms of divorce BEFORE you get married. Marriage should not be a State-instituted function but a function of Civil Contract Law. This is the Libertarian argument.
In that situation, the State would only get involved to settle contractual disagreements instead of now where the State basically has the ability to take your kids from you for nearly any reason and turn them into Wards of the State you’ll never see again. Take money out of family court and you’ll see just how fast they give the kids to the most responsible parent. In every child custody payment a little goes to the court system, so it’s in their best interest to sting fathers for as much as they can and incentivize all women to leave their husbands and replace them with a cheque.
And that’s just one example.
When you consider any regulation, service, or policy you can think of that leads back to using tax money you need only ask one very pertinent question — “Does this problem go away if we didn’t have to pay income tax?”
If the answer is yes, then look around for the sleazy car salesman trying to hit you low and then hit you high.
It’s a very potent tool in their kit.
It's illustrative to see how states got involved in marriage in the first place. My understanding is that state registries began late 1800's "in order to help former slaves document their free status." Prior to that, state registries didn't exist, and bigamy laws were prosecuted by comparing private church records. Also, in today's world "health insurance" is another big reason for marriage. Another scam