So, just about every other month we get a news article with something like “Solar Storms may threaten to take us into an Internet Apocalypse!”
Every article then goes on some diatribe saying how “this can’t happen” and “it’s all exaggerated.”
If so, then who is putting out the constant updates of impending solar doom? More to the point, why are so many outlets entertaining the idea?
Is it just for the clicks and headline baiting?
Or is something with Comms at play?
Well, you know me. I think it’s Comms. Bi-weekly updates to Cabal members on the prospects of “taking it all down” and a new age of “post” internet culture.
But, what does it all mean? How can solar flares and storms threaten our internet infrastructure? Who determines whether or not these solar events are anything to be afraid of? Why all the fear porn surrounding these uncontrollable events?
Before we can jump headlong into Comms, however, let’s take down the Sun and examine what it means. First let’s examine what Alchemists thought, then step through the Freemason’s lodge, and lastly examine it in the modern setting.
The Sun is a wide topic, and being a Quick Comms means I’m only gonna do a brief summary for now. A Long Comms is necessary in the future, but let’s just stick to the basics for now.
Sun — Concerning Alchemy
The Sun in alchemy is considered a font of life. Its energy is responsible for sustaining life here on Earth. Photosynthesis, weather, and the like. Modern science accepts this as well, but Alchemists have a different approach to the Sun as it pertains to the esoteric meaning behind its nature.
The Sun dispels the night. The night obscures all sight.
Light is Truth.
Anything that emits light emits “truth.” Some light is counterfeit, while other light is reflected. If you store sunlight, for example, it isn’t a “reflection” of the truth but it isn’t direct truth either. The Sun is the primary contributor and arbiter of the, capital “T” — Truth.
Most generally, the Sun is the Man as it pertains to what we call the “Nuclear Family Unit.” It’s the Mind and Decision Maker. The one which sets the rules for others to follow. The place from which Authority to Govern is derived. It’s the Masculine Energy, as compared to the Feminine Energy of the Moon. It’s also untarnishable energy, which is why Gold is associated with the Sun. Like Gold, it maintains a constant and reliable weight, as the perfect medium with which to weigh with the use of scales.
Anything organic you may burn derives its energy from this Primary Truth Bearer, we call the Sun. If you want to produce light(truth) you must burn “stored’ truth in the form of fire, or Passion, in this case.
Anything that’s “on the surface” is something the Sun can hit. If it hits it, it is exposed and will be revealed by its light in the face of Truth. Truth is all-powerful when directed. “Cold-hard” facts, aka Ice, melts as the light of the Sun bears down upon it. Therefore, just as “established” facts can be whittled away by the light of Truth, so too can all other such things find their foundations undone by the blistering sunlight.
Basically, the Sun is the Collective Conscience of Humanity. Land represents what we assume to be real. Some land is firm and barren. Some land is loose soil ready for planting. Other land, however, is a false foundation of “cold hard facts” we call “established” history. As opposed to “real” history. When the sunlight blares upon the surface of “established” history, it inevitably melts. What is left under the sheet of ice is either an empty abyss or firm permafrost and bedrock. If the Sun hits the black and endless abyss, then you know you have been deceived. It takes time for the Sun to melt away the ice and arrive at the foundation of the history we know, but when it does there is no mistaking whether what lies beneath is a chaotic maelstrom of lies and deceit or a firm foundation of reality capable of upholding any sacred pillars(statutes and laws) we seek to plant upon it.
When it comes to “Global Warming” this is what the Cabal fears most. They fear the heat of the Sun, which arrived upon the Dawn of the Great Awakening, melting away all of the fake historical(cold-hard, icy) information and uncover what is actually real and what is actually fake with the help of the Light of Truth, which is represented by the Sun.
But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let’s examine what the Freemasons Think.
Sun — Concerning Freemasonry
Take a look at these symbols:
Particularly, take a look at the Sun.
I’m sure you’ve seen the “face in the sun” symbol before. There’s also the one for the moon, but for right now we’re talking about the Sun.
For an individual, the Sun represents the Conscious Mind. The Moon represents the Subconscious Mind (Reflected Sunlight, Dreams/Visions), and the All-Seeing-Eye represents the place where inspiration comes from — your “Third Eye” which can pierce the veil and retrieve the “yet to be” from the Great Unknown. The Power of Individual Agency, Free Will, and the aspect of the Divine Spark we call Discernment or Self-Determination.
Respectively, the Sun represents the Collective Conscious Mind of the Masses. It represents where everyone is looking. The Will of the People. Including the “Mob Mentality.” What trend and hot topic everyone is paying attention to. What plants and animals alike use to measure the passage of time.
A mason builds large buildings from stone as part of their trade. Freemasonry is about “nation building” which is the next evolution of societal construction.
Part of this endeavor to “build” civilization is to plan and direct the Masses(think: planets) towards tangible ends. Rome wasn’t built in a day, as the saying goes. Therefore, in order to wrestle from the Masses all forms of labor that fulfil the grand pursuit of “building a nation”, or a “Solar System”, you must first convince them that the goal is worth the effort. Either through manipulation, coercion, blackmail, slavery, or otherwise, the People must agree to build the “thing” you want them to build. How you direct their energies, their passion, towards this end is depicted by the Sun.
The Sun, therefor, surrounds itself with all forms of Orbital Bodies, the Masses, and uses its Gravity to keep them in line and on predictable trajectories.
Those moments where everyone puts aside their differences and works in what way they can to serve the “Greater Good” represents the Day Time. The age of Work in the Field, only doable so long as the Sun is there to grant us sight. The Sun is the Direction as well as the Directives. Any grand movement, like a Celestial Movement, can only be undertaken if enough people pitch in to make it so.
Up until now, this is all generally “wholesome” but it does have a nefarious angle…
From a Cabal perspective, coercion, bribery, and slavery is the only method worth employing. It takes too much time to “enlighten” the Masses in order to convince them to “build the thing.” Instead, just trick them like you would trick a toddler into doing as you say. Lie to them, convince yourself it’s a White Lie, and get the job done. After all, it’s ultimately “for their own good.” They’re too stupid to think for their own benefit, so they need someone to tell them what to do, not waste time explaining what is moral or not. The ends justify the means, so lie now to get results and explain when they’re worth the effort.
That’s their logic anyways…
Sun — Concerning the Cabal
When they say “We need to block out the sun to cool the Earth” they mean that the Collective Consciousness, the Sunlight of the Collective Mind, needs to be obscured, lest it melt all the fake history that they’ve spend centuries freezing into your mind after endless brainwashings; we can’t have people asking “hot” questions that put us under a spotlight; we can’t have the world “leaders” find themselves in a “hot” seat and under investigation.
To a Cabal member speaking this language of metaphor, it makes total sense that we should simultaneously switch to Solar Power (Popularism/Celebrity Power) while also blocking out the Sun(Collective Conscience).
They are saying, both figuratively and literally, “If we can’t safely harvest the passion(heat) of the masses and redirect it with ‘solar panels’, we need to block it out.”
“Solar Panels” could be thought of as news panels and celebrity spokesmen who come in and tell you what to think and where to direct your attention. Mirrors, effectively, trying to “push back” against the growing tides of distrust in the Government “foundations.”
This goes into censorship.
Fire, but more particularly Heat is synonymous with Passion. When enough people give something their singular attention, their energies compound and turns into an intense heat. When angered, this heat turns into a flame which can only be smothered with the Blood of their oppressors, in the form of Mob Justice. It is, therefore, the intent of the Cabal to keep the heat low, and keep “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” from resulting in a “melting” of their established history such that they can delay the “great flood” indefinitely. Meanwhile, groups like BLM and ANTIFA work to “let off some steam” in ways they can direct against the People’s own will.
The Ice Caps represent this Established History. Antarctica represents the Esoteric Cabal history, including Secret Societies, Symbolism Comms, and most historical false flags, while the Arctic represents our current “surface” and “top” level understanding of the world, like how medicine “works”, or how stocks, taxes and businesses “work”, or how politics and media “work”. Everyday corporate and government scams, generally. These are the things, like with the Arctic, have no “basis” in legitimacy or derived authority. It’s all empty and based on circular logic when you look closely into them. They are built upon lies and only the dark abyss remains underneath. The Antarctic, however, does have a solid foundation under its ice sheet, but it is in the best interest of the Cabal to keep it from ever seeing the “light of day.” They turn everything in the Antarctic into folk takes and Conspiracy Theories to dissuade people from wondering what’s actually “under the ice.”
They can afford to lose the North pole, in some respects, but an Antarctic Melt would be the end of them as “unimaginable technologies” are revealed to the world. Tesla and UFO types of energy manipulation. Things that can lead to each person being so empowered such that they no longer have to abide by national or international governance. You can’t tax me if you can’t catch me in my UFO-powered flying RV. That kind of stuff.
It would be an end to their current “Climate” — as the slave masters with us sheep being the slaves.
The Sun, which burns up the viability of their One-World Order, therefore is none other than our Collective Consciousness and the general sentiment of Non-Compliance. They cannot have the Sun turn against them. They cannot lose control of the Collective Will.
They wish to hold the “Sun” in the palm of their hands — to decide when it gets to shine or not. With it they would have full control over what trends or waves the Mind of the Masses can perpetuate over the Globe. Like vampires, which spurn the Sunlight, they wish for a day they can rule in perpetual twilight, free from all the minds of the world from ever becoming their own Enlightened individuals who can think without need of any external light source, even the Sun. Comms pertaining to the Patriarchy, as the Sun is the Masculine Symbol, also allude towards this Twilight Age where “Men” are no longer in power, but instead their Artificial Light is; their “Fake News” directing all the movement of the Masses(think: planets/industries).
So, when you see Comms about the Sun taking out the Internet, they’re talking about the potential need of unplugging their toy, the World Wide Web, and going back to an age where Mankind was more manageable. They are always considering taking us back to the stone ages — to rule over the ashes lest the slaves wander free, or even worse, seeking for retribution from their former slavemasters.
In summary, the Sun can be thought of as “The Hottest Thing” going. It’s whatever is keeping most of the attention of the World at large and simultaneously burns corruption away for any moldering, dark Cabal fiends unfortunate enough to get caught out in the open and “exposed” for all the World to see.
That’s why we call Sunlight the best Disinfectant.
AKA, Free Speech.
Or Transparency and Accountability, if you prefer.