It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so let’s start back off on the ground floor!
Earthquakes? What are they good for?
First off, what is an earthquake?
An earthquake is when two tectonic plates crunch together in some form or fashion and jiggle and wiggle everything around them as the energy disperses. Under our feet is a LOT of tension. All it takes is one rock to give way and two huge masses of shale, quartz, granite, gravel, or whathaveyou smack together with pent up forces that can easily exceed that of a nuclear bomb. The end result is everyone suddenly gaining the shakycam debuff that modern cameramen seem to suffer from most tragically.
I mean, it’s pretty straight forward. Earthquakes have always been a part of human history. Every culture has some record of a day when everything shook a little. When they get real bad, people begin to think some deity is angry with them for their iniquities. In modern times, however, we have a better understanding of them, can predict them, and know that they are also related to tsunamis and the like.
What is an earthquake in Comms?
Elemental Earth
Fire, Air, Water, and… Earth.
Taken to the extreme, what do each represent?
Well, we know that a “Storm” or “Flood” can be attributed to information. A “flood of information” for example, or a “declass storm.” The difference is that a storm is half air half water. Rumor meets facts — a deadly combination. Add it it that after every storm there is a threat of a flood, and you get your big “happening” type event explained away.
In essence, air moves clouds. Clouds crash into one another. A storm forms. Heavy winds grab up more clouds. The storm gets bigger. Where they all congregate we have a massive downpour. That downpour leads to floods. Floods can then lead to landslides.
Put another way, rumors lead people to gather a hypothesis. Hypotheses join up until they swell into a proof. Proofs fall all at once, in the form of a revelation or declass event, and the flood of information that ensues threatens to uproot long-held institutions and beliefs by their roots. If they succumb to the jellification of their foundations, you have a landslide. Landslides, in Comms, are when one side just has to relent and give up, as in a “Landside Victory.” A regime change. It all starts with a rumor or two and as the dominos fall, they get bigger.
That’s one way to get there. Think of it as a top-down approach.
Earthquakes, however, come from below.
Earthquakes are when an institution simply implodes on account of its own iniquity. The foundation was never firm to begin with. Or, perhaps, it has eroded slowly over time. Hindsight is 20-20 which is why speculation, surveying, and prospecting must never be discounted.
What does it mean when there’s an “organizational shakeup”?
“Mass upheavals” in industry. Groundbreaking studies leaving firmly held precedents in ruin. Since Earth represents institutions, industries, military, police, security, and “grassroots” efforts, anything that disrupts one or many of these is considered an “Earth-quake.” It is the fullness of a “political landscape” ever as much as it is a with an “economic landscape” or a “philosophical landscape.” It’s where we build stuff. It’s the Rock upon which a Church might be built. Every system of belief, no matter the flavor, must first find a stable base upon which to stack their bricks of discovery.
What’s more is that the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
That’s one of the many lessons of the Tower of Babel. What was once a genuine and honest attempt to be closer with God turned into a vainglorious mission to usurp God and storm heaven’s gates. For that, the language before languages was scattered and people no longer understood one another. Semantics entered the world. We each developed different words for the same things and argued incessantly about the meaning instead of actually getting shit done.
That’s exactly what happens in a capital E, Earthquake. The spirit of the Earth falling down upon our heads, that we may hide from what we have built — what we have wrought. Hubris.
14 And heaven departed away, as a scroll, when it is rolled, and every mountain and isle were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in dens, and among the rocks of the mountains, 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. - Revelation 6:14-16
When you feel ashamed, embarrassed, or guilt-ridden for your actions yet still do not relent in your own Pride in having committed such acts, what is your instinctual action? To hide. To bury the past. To shirk from responsibility and accountability for that corruption which you have brought in to the world.
It is in these times that Men will beg the Earth to consume them and the blood that has stained their hands.
Have you ever done something in your past for which you are most displeased? Something of intense regret? Something others had witnessed and spoils their company? Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if everyone who remembers simply passed away already?
Would it really be enough, though? Are you really concerned with what others think of you, so much so that you would wish death on all those who can recall the event, or are you more concerned with your Self? YOU failed your own soul, your own spirit. That’s why you wish to bury what you did along with all those who might remember it. Bury it in the desert, where none may find the site.
You may succeed. You may be able to outlive the sins and those who you’ve wronged. You may be able to wash the blood from your hands. What you will never do, however, is convince the Earth to forget. The Earth remembers all. It keeps records of all the ages, in the many colors of its sediment. Most of all, it never fails to whisper your deeds to God, yearning for justice to be rendered.
9 Then the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? Who answered, I cannot tell. Am I my brother’s keeper? 10 Again he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me, from the earth. 11 Now therefore thou art cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thine hand. 12 When thou shalt till the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength: a vagabond and a runagate shalt thou be in the earth. 13 Then Cain said to the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear. 14 Behold, thou hast cast me out this day from the earth, and from thy face shall I be hid, and shall be a vagabond, and a runagate in the earth, and whosoever findeth me shall slay me. 15 Then the Lord said unto him, Doubtless whosoever slayeth Cain, he shall be punished seven fold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any man finding him, should kill him. 16 Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod toward the East side of Eden. - Genesis 4:9–16
The Earth itself is a character. It is feminine. It is the Womb of our sowing. You reap what you sow, and the arbiter of your actions is the Earth which takes in all that is good and all that is bad and sifts it according to your worth.
As is appropriate in literature, an “element” is that which is an essential component, a most basic form, upon which the principal structure relies. The “Earth” is the Element in our world that acts as a permanent record of our doings. History that cannot be argued, for when laid bare is apparent to all with reason still in their hearts.
Anything we do or aspire to do is recorded in the Earth. Any institution is a compounding mass of layers of beliefs and discoveries that lay upon one another to reach great heights. Walls are erected to create hidden places that might preserve those records from the assault of wind and water. When left with the intent to never be opened again, we call them Tombs.
This is what the Earth meant to our ancestors.
Earthquakes, then, are disruptions to what we “know” to be true. Every time the Earth shatters we are shown what has always been beneath our feet — all on full display to refute any who might question it. Neither water nor air, knowledge nor rumor, can penetrate and move that which is deep beneath us. It must first be exposed for those with a desire to rewrite the past to erode it in haste to destroy the evidence.
Yet, despite all that effort to conceal, it can always be undone by yet another shake and quake that tears the Earth and reveals, once again, the layers recorded by Time.
Why is this important to know?
Because, we are currently undergoing HEAVY Earthquakes as age-old institutions are being rent asunder under the weight of their own iniquity.
The Collapse
As each institution, those who we were “taught to trust the most”, collapse in upon themselves, what is left behind is the expose cliff face which holds a detailed record of each and every crime they had committed. Their ilk will be buried under the ruins, but their crimes will not so easily be washed away, though their stooges will try. As the Media spin cycle revs up into gear to try and explain away all that the Earthquakes will expose, we must be ever vigilant in recording the layers and measuring the depth of their depravity.
It goes back a long, long way. To “pre-historic” ages, even.
Where words may fail us, the Earth stands resolute. As the “Earth” beneath the bastard Bureaucratic branch of the Government is carved away, we will see much of what our Nation was built upon. We will see the shortcuts, the harsh periods, and the depositions of those buried witnesses whose blood yearns for justice to be done.
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
What power will they have once the Earth, itself, shatters and reveals those graves for all to see?
Those few who are honest stand ready to tell us exactly what happened. Those fiends who put the repentant and conscientious alike in the holes will, then, beg that the Earth open up and swallow them and their shame. Those whose nature is Pride would rather embrace eternal darkness than have any blemish of their past be shown. They, who could do no wrong, will be bare, naked, and exposed for the world to see. Only by clothing themselves in the whole of the Earth do they hope to hide their sin-stained bodies.
That Mark of Cain will shine upon their flesh, under the scrutiny of the Light of Truth.
We are witnessing the collapse of a regime of death, blood, and hate. In its place we will construct a library filled with tomes detailing every crime they have committed, to perfectly preserve the past lest it be repeated. It will stand as a testament to the Martyrs who died trying to uncover the skeletons our taskmasters sought to hide.
They may have not been perfect; they may have not been clean…
But their ultimate fate is not ours to determine.
Ours is the role of Reclaimers. We must retrieve their bodies. Exhume them from the Earth and trade their place with the filth that buried them and their testimonies. Those silenced will speak again, rise from the dead, and accuse the guilty of their crimes.
Under Pressure
Within the Earth there is a tension. A tightness. A pressure.
This pressure can be referred to as what those in the “business” call Game.
It’s the “Game” in the title of Game of Thrones.
Every throne must have a firm foundation. Without it, there is nothing a King can do. You cannot deal, bargain, argue, threaten, or PRESSURE someone without a great weight held aloft. It is the Weight of the World, which presses down upon the Yoke.
Authority is granted to us by Divinity, but is realized in how we carry ourselves. Those with most Authority are among the Meek. They are the ones who speak softly but carry a big stick. Power to act, but the discernment to use it only when necessary, keeping peace and calm in one’s posture at all times. That big stick one carries offers Pressure on others. It is the promise that if you fuck with them you will find out, according to the Law which David spoke so highly of. The Truth in all things hinges on the recognition that there IS a LAW, that such LAW IS TRUTH, and that LOVE OF THE LAW is the only route to SALVATION.
163 I hate falsehood and abhor it, but thy Law do I love.
164 Seven times a day do I praise thee, because of thy righteous judgments.
165 They that love thy law, shall have great prosperity, and they shall have none hurt.
Basically, if you push against the Earth, you will be crushed. It is the Seat of Authority in the world.
And, those who wield the Earth, who claim land and build upon it, are those with real power. Power is held within the Earth, under tension, and like a Mouse Trap it is only released when triggered to do so.
Knowing the Triggers of the Earth, the mysteries and mystical elements within, allow you Control — REAL Control. Listed in full, they make up a lexicon of terms, variables, and constants. Doesn’t every physicist know the difference and relationship between Power, Speed, Momentum, Inertia, and Acceleration? Doesn’t every lawyer know the difference between Intent, Motive, Recklessness, and Premeditation?
These are the Law as written, held firm in the Flesh of the Earth as the Written Word.
What we call them doesn’t matter. We may change out the names, but the meaning is Universal. We can translate and transcribe their meaning between all languages because they simply Are. They are the essence of I Am, That I Am. Immutable Truth.
David gives praise at all hours of the day and night to this Law because we are allowed to know it. It gives us true Agency, whereas all beasts must rely solely on instinct. We CAN know. We can record knowledge. We can use that knowledge to discern. Under every stream, river, pool, lake, sea, or ocean is a body of Earth holding up all that is above it. It is the base substance upon all else relies to take form. What form is water other than the container which holds it?
Likewise, what form is Knowledge without the Law to retain it in much the same manner? Without laws of language, a system of writing, how might we be able to share thoughts with one another? Communication is tied to the Law, which is the Word, which is the Source of Authority.
Releasing this Authority, acting upon it, is what causes great Quakes within the World.
54 When the Centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earth quake, and the things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. - Matthew 27:54
This is the Pressure held within the Stone…
And, no Stone known to Man has greater Pressure placed upon it than the Keystone.
Removal of a Keystone is what causes a Collapse, a Quake, and Ruin.
To find success, one must strategically place themselves in the position of the Keystone, ensuring that all else fails should it be removed. This is how you Insulate yourself, politically. It’s not just about being the biggest guy, with the biggest stick, in the biggest chair at the biggest table. It’s about making yourself indisposable.
How do you prevent yourself from being fired?
You make it so that the business collapses if they remove you.
To succeed, you must think like a Keystone. Only then can you act without fear of your subordinates retaliating against you. We’re talking about real Leadership here.
To build, yourself and your Legacy alike, you must be able to make a Deal. You must present yourself as the choice Stone for the job. Sometimes, that also means overcoming mockery and derision. It means finding your place even if you aren’t “perfect” by conventional standards. Sometimes the Stone that the builders rejected will become the Cornerstone.
Think of it this way. Many people want to be the CEO of a multi-million dollar enterprise. Starting from scratch, however, it is night impossible. You’ll often find that those looking up at the highest perch of a building not yet constructed will waste all their time dreaming, staring at open skies, rather than digging the bedrock. Some must accept their role as the Foundation of a Legacy others will inherit. Founding Fathers who break soil and prepare the way for their progeny to fill in the sky with a vision not yet attainable.
Is it not true that a Nation is built upon the corpse of those Nations that came before it?
Under every layer of soil there is a history, a lesson, a relic of the past. We build upon the skeletons of the deceased ideas, dreams, and legacies of those who have come and gone. In order to build high, we must first build low. A poor foundation leads to a weak structure. Building upon sand is a recipe for disaster. So, we must first lay the foundation. The higher you aim to build, the deeper and wider the foundation must be. It must be robust. It must be level.
What better plot of land is there to build upon than that which has proven itself in the past already? Take what works from that whose time is passed and discard the weak and faulty Stones. Trial and Error leads to security. Tradition ensures we do not forget. Conservation staves off erosion of our memories.
This is how you build a Legacy. By packing Earth tightly and giving it time to settle.
Shakes and Quakes in Modern Comms
Now, onto Comms.
Today, when you see news about Earthquakes, understand what is really being said concerns the state of our Institutions. Things like the Economy, Military, Government, and Scientific world. It is from these that all things sprout; things like the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of Government. As every tree needs a firm and forgiving foundation, so too does our Government. The Earth our branches of Government sprawl outwards from is what Lawyers and Constitutionalists call Common Law. It’s the System that was in place before the System we have now. It’s what EVERYTHING is built upon. It’s all the good they could salvage from the trial and errors of the past, the Legacy of our Forefather’s Forefathers. All collected, packed, and well established. From it is the living thing, the Tree of Liberty, whose roots penetrate deep into the Earth, past Common Law and even into Biblical Law and beyond. Our Government is a living thing. It CAN get old. It CAN die.
One way for it to die prematurely is to rot from within.
Another way is for it to be uprooted.
Earthquakes threaten the stability and foundation of our Nation.
In Comms, an Earthquake refers to anything that threatens the founding principles of any System, Institution, or Organization.
Small quakes mean “small impact.” Big quakes mean “cracked foundations.”
MASSIVE quakes mean “End of an Era.”
They can be natural or artificial. The more rot that there is in a tree, for instance, the less stable it will become. Corruption always leads to felling.
Mining too much, too, leads to Cave-Ins. Once the integrity of the soil above is disturbed, there is no saving a mine shaft. Tunnels rely on that which is above being firm. If it loosens enough to cause a cave-in, it means ALL that above is compromised. Nothing can be done but to completely excavate and turn the mine into a quarry. The bigger the original mine, the larger the mess.
Going Underground
When you hear about Reptilians and underground cities; or tunnels and DUMBs, don’t immediately think there are literal underground cities, though there may be. Understand that there may be layers of Comms going on. Some is true, the rest is false. The signature for Comms is outrageous claims with no citation of sources. The more stupid, the more likely it is Comms.
Reptilians = Psychopaths
Tunnels = Escape Routes
Psychopaths have a unique ability to totally reinvent themselves. Because they are only beholden to the public image that is most opportune for their own survival, if that public image is jeopardized they are more than capable of shedding that image like reptiles shed their own skin. Everything they do is an act because they cannot form emotional sentimentality with their own persona.
So… Every Reptile has a Tunnel they live in, ready to escape through it if they are “found out” for being a violent, emotionless psychopath.
Using this “flavorful” language to denote the antics of the worst among us, they can plan with one another openly without fear that they will be found out. A good amount of psychopaths recognized their nature and that there were others like them and even began to believe they are more than just special — that they are a “Chosen” race destined to lead expressly because they lack empathy. They mistake the lack of compassion with the necessary role of any leader to make the “hard decisions.”
Why this matters as it pertains to Earthquakes is because there is a rising conspiracy theory that suggests Earthquakes listed at 5km and 10km exactly, all across the globe, are indicative of DUMBs being “taken out” with Neutron Bombs.
Yes? No? Maybe so?
I fall back to Comms, personally. The exact and peculiar depth of all these explosions leads me to believe they are proxies for real “above ground” implosions of a more organizational designation rather than real, physical underground bases being destroyed. Basically, they signify the “collapse” of a company of some sort. Longitude and Latitude including zoning are used to connect it to its mirror. If an Earthquake is recorded offshore of California, then look to the news over the next two weeks for a possible collapse of a hedge fund, company, stock, etc. However, the “big” ones that are used to fund other ventures are usually denoted by Asteroids, Meteors, and other celestial objects. Remember, we’re talking Earth here — institutions and foundations. Things that have been around for a while.
So, an Earthquake offshore could, for example link to a burger chain going under. Joann’s fabrics, for instance, likely had an Earthquake associated with it in some form or fashion. But, there’s not much to prove it either way. You have to be “wired in” to act on any of this anyways…
Keeping Grounded
Now, don’t be mistaken. The Comms apparatus has fallen victim to the Fear Porn grift every bit as much as the Sheep News has. The Cabal think they’re above those tactics, but they’re retarded, so they can’t do anything about it even if they noticed they’re being manipulated anyways. The higher ups in the Cabal just blow some smoke up their asses and away they go. With that in mind, most of the Earthquake Comms are non-actionable for them. It’s there just to intimidate, threaten, and coerce them into supporting their NWO agenda.
In the mean time, the real news is hidden behind the “Breaking News” reports. Breaking, as in a “world shattering revelation” breaking. Earthquake Comms, remember? When a “landmark” case comes out in SCOTUS, it all plays into more of the same. Any colorful language that can be applied to the Earth in some way invokes the Elemental Earth, and therefore the associated Comms.
The worse the clickbait title, the more likely you’re reading Comms.
Things like “Tectonic Shifts”, for example, could actually be referring to “Political Shifts” in the allegiances of support organizations. The “map” of this “earthmoving” event looks like this:
Think like how Trump got the support of the Teamsters Union. That’s a clear political “earthquake” considering its historied record of steadfast Democrat support.
Earth = Support
Saw this weird piece; not about earthquakes but rather the earth's core and its 'spin' changing. It occurred to me it might be comms of a sort. Thoughts?