On last night’s stream I was asked how I managed to learn all that I know.
My response, in hindsight, lacked a critical piece of the puzzle. While I do believe I am a “Hermit” type of individual whose role is to prepare the Hero, i.e. YOU, for the Journey, I missed out on the real crux of the matter.
YOU are special. YOU have potential beyond my grasp and comprehension. YOU have the Key to Mastery. You just don’t know it yet. I have an aptitude in all things, as any good teacher does, so that I can introduce you to the doors which lead to your Fulfilled Destiny. God put you here for a reason, as He did with me. My role is to polish the Stones which make up the walls of Heaven. YOU are a Stone, upon which the Kingdom relies if it is to take root here on Earth.
That means two things as far as I’m personally concerned. I cannot support the weight of Heaven’s walls because it is not my role. I cannot alone create something which fulfills the Master’s desire that His Creation Creates — the Creator’s Creation Creates.
That is the Multiplicity. Birth of something that in turn gives birth. Legacy, lineage, and a family tree that reaches into the stars to be as countless as they and as numerous as grains of sand upon the beach.
I am bad at math. My role in the Multiplicity is limited. My Great Work can only be realized through others.
Basically, I’m your hype man. Your instructor. I know an apprentice’s degree of knowledge about a wide variety of topics. All for YOUR benefit. I present them to YOU so that you can choose which weapon or tool alike you wish to serve God with. The image of Man is that of a Creator, in reflection of the Master’s own visage. We humans create. Our hands are our preeminent tool. Wolf has fang, bird has beak and claw, bear has maw, and Man has his hands. We have opposable thumbs. We have intuition and the ability to problem solve. This is what makes Man in the image of God, as a Creator. We have Discernment and Agency, above and beyond the abilities of beasts and spirit alike.
So, as I draw, program, compose, or write, YOU must choose which of the Gifts God has granted you that you want to develop into your Magnum Opus. I expose to you possibility, with which your latent potential can harness and turn into true building blocks of His Kingdom. This is a path I cannot tread, because YOU are the bricks, the Stones, that I must polish. When my work is complete, I shall sit aside and monitor your Great Works and give advice and praise as you have need of it. My aptitude is coming up with an answer for just about anything, at least in enough of a form so that you can then run with and nurture it further into something I cannot see. You are the magic men and women, the dreamers from whence imagination takes form.
Mine is the form of a Rabbi, a teacher, who oft lacks the aptitude to complete his own works, because his true vocation is in the support of those who entrust with him their futures. My role, which I accept, is to prepare you for Greatness so that you can all be Kings and Queens worthy of your Father’s infinite Inheritance. As you ascend to royalty, mine is the role of an advisor.
I know all that I know because they are Gifts from God. I am a Fool to squander their use on myself, because they are best used for your benefit. I can do more with my Gifts if I aide others in their various endeavors. If used inappropriately, these Gifts turn into Curses which would sour my soul from within.
YOU are capable of wondrous things. You just don’t know it yet. My purpose is to present to you the seeds. You are the one who must then sow and grow them. So, get excited. Get passionate. Find something in which you might emulate your Creator by doing — by Creating.
I eagerly sit by to give you ideas, notions, and aspirations in equal measure. I am your loyal patron and critic alike — eager to see you succeed in all your ventures.
I can teach you how to learn and present to you real opportunity. God will then provide the inspiration to take that exposure and turn it into something from outside our World — from that place Yet To Be. You can do it. I believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself.
For others like me, advisors, magi, rabbi, mandarin, hermits, or other wise men…
The road is hard for us. The Temptation to desire greatness that belongs to others is our Achilles’ heel. Hone your techniques. Hone your edge. Practice well only to the point of being able to share. Keeping things to yourself will corrupt you from within. Our role is that of pious advocates. We see more than others see, the fullness of the horizon and the landscapes beyond, but we lack focus. We jacks of all trades, masters of none, lack focus because our craft is the refinement of others’ own works. Do not curse your existence, and do not spurn God as many have done before you. Accept your aptitudes, refine them and put them to words so that, when God sends His children to you, you shall be prepared to instruct them with words of True Wisdom. Words which inspire. Words which are an echo of His visage, the image of a Creator.
So, get hyped! Things are just about to get interesting. The training wheels and handicaps, both, are being removed as we speak. The dark night passes as the phoenix rises. His Kingdom is at hand. Rejoice an be glad!
Find a hobby and get those hands moving!
Nothing pleases the Lord more than you wanting to be more like Him, a Creator.