What is really happening here?
We all know this is nonsense on the face of it. A hotter temperate climate isn’t gonna make dogs more ‘hostile’ to humans. Dogs aren’t getting depressed because of ‘climate change.’ They have no concept of this economic scam to bother getting depressed about it.
That is, unless…
Unless “dogs” are Comms for “personal assistant.”
Remember, ‘Climate Change’ = ‘A change to their Globalist Climate’ and ‘dog’ = Personal Assistant.
Replace these headlines with the appropriate analogues:
“Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize their carbon pawprints” becomes “Our assistants are part of the globalist resistance problem. These tips can help you minimize their talk of our conspiracies.”
“Global warming might be causing dogs to become depressed, say pet behaviorists” becomes “Anti-Globalist sentiment might be causing personal assistants to become depressed, say CIA Handlers(think: MK-Ultra).”
“Dogs could become more ‘hostile’ to humans as the planet heats up” becomes “Assistants could become more snappy with the global elite as the world realizes they’ve been tyrannized.”
“Environmental impact of pets may mean it’s time to ‘eat the dog’” becomes “The liability that comes with assistants having personal political opinions may mean it’s time to fire(cook) them and do their job yourself.”
Basically, it’s self-help fluff to Global Elites in all branches of the technocratic hegemony and political realm to compensate with the fact their control apparatus is failing and their ‘pets’ are under-funded, understaffed, overworked, and upset with the ‘heat’ and attention the public is giving them on every single subject. They’re constantly being ‘grilled’ by the scrutiny-centric questions of the public and are fearful and depressed at how much the public absolutely despise them, their bosses, and their handlers. It’s not like the ‘good old days’ the more senior of them remember. They’ve never felt so pressured from all sides.
Remember, they’re in this situation because of their over-liberal use of Comms in day-to-day life. If they had even the slightest amount of self-aware restraint on using this symbol cipher system they probably wouldn’t be failing as bad at keeping these kinds of clown-world pieces from standing out like a sore thumb. But, no, they had to slather the Comms apparatus onto everything they do to feel ‘empowered’ and super special that it killed the subtlety of it all and now the ‘sheep’ are starting to notice.
Their vanity and pride in thinking they could get away with using it for everything from internal puff pieces to grocery lists has become their poetic downfall.
It’s great for us but, like watching someone cope with getting AIDS after being a wanton sex fiend, it’s really pathetic to watch…