Blackmail is a currency.
It turns powerful people into sock puppets; tokens whose value is only as viable as your ability to threaten them. If you can’t back up your threats to use the blackmail against your stooge, then they will not cooperate. At least, not when someone else also has dirt on them.
You see, scum still have priorities. The guy threatening to come clean about a politician’s corrupt business deals is less of a priority than the guy who has a video of them raping a child. Both will end the politician’s career, but one extends beyond just business and also threatens the supply chain that provided the child for the raping. More than just his close associates will come to bat to keep that blackmail from coming out.
Furthermore, the guy isn’t just afraid of going to jail, he’s afraid of being Epstein’d so he can’t squeal. The guy with the bigger dirt usually takes priority, so if the two blackmailers have conflicting needs only the most disastrous and widespread threat is gonna succeed in coercing the individual to act a certain way.
Let’s thing tactically about this…
You see how you can use this aspect of blackmail as a shield? If you have some low-level blackmail being held on you, it’s actually a strategy to give more far-reaching blackmail to a more influential party that’s more predictable so that the bigger fish can scare off the smaller one. Think of it like you’re a traded stock. The person with the largest share gets more control of the company. The big fish wants you to do X, while the small fish wants you to do Y. X means Y can’t happen. You don’t want to do Y. So, the strategy is to let the bigger fish win.
Then, just like with stocks, consolidation takes place and eventually the same small group owns everyone through a series of shell companies/arrangements. Because they’re in charge of everyone, the petty squabbling and threats to reveal blackmail can be shut down because everyone answers to the same masters. Low-tier blackmail jeopardizes the control scheme of the larger-scale blackmail holders. Therefore, they will “relieve” their “client” of the threat of the small fries such that they can continue to be a cog in the big, evil machine. Ultimately, the best strategy is to incorporate with the largest party who has all of your other crony associates also under their puppet’s cross.
You end up being a small fish in a big net. A shark doesn’t care about eating a minnow, but a bass might snap at you. Therefore, you’re better off palling around with the shark. The shark is happy about it too, because he can use you as bait to snatch up the bass. Call it “Symbiotic Cronyism.”
With all this in mind, how might a system like this be threatened if some of those really big strings started getting cut?
How might you cut the blackmail strings, you ask?
Simple. You make the weight too heavy to bear.
Think about it this way…
A spider creates a web out of strings. The most essential strings are attached to branches or walls. The less essential strings are just attached to more of themselves. Cutting the small strings doesn’t compromise the web. Cutting the major strings that hold the web to its surroundings, however, can undermine large swathes of the structure at a time. If the web is holding up stuff that the wider public relies upon, cutting the major strings can bring society to ruin.
Obviously, the major strings are heavily guarded and have backups and redundancies to ensure nothing can threaten the web…
That’s why you gotta get clever and CUT THE RIGHT STRINGS. Major or minor strings doesn’t matter. What matters is you cut all the right strings in all the right places until the whole weight of the web suddenly relies up on a single connection to stay together. No longer is that connection a minor string. All of a sudden a small fish becomes the central node keeping the whole thing together.
If you cut these two points, the web still holds. Obviously, the single strand to the left will bring down the whole web in one fell swoop, but unless you wanna pick up the pieces of a completely ruined nation already beset upon by foreign invaders and insurgents, that’s not the best option. You wanna cut the right spots so that the web becomes unstable. Then, once the “spider” is drawn away to try to fix the web and keep the ship from sinking by plugging the holes, that’s when you can gain a position of control. Instability and desperation is the play. Forcing your opponent into exhaustion by cutting the “strings” in very strategic points such that they are forced to re-establish the links.
All that matters then is to make sure that the final node of the web is the weakest one. At that point, you don’t even have to cut it. It will fail on its own through wear and tear, laden with the burden of the entire sordid mess while being far too dumb and/or old to keep up appearances of strength.
Once you’ve backed that “lucky” person into a corner, it doesn’t matter how many strings have them under their blackmail control. They simply cannot please everyone. Eventually, they start making mistakes. They start making compromises. They start pissing off people who are “at the end of their rope.”
They become a liability…
This is where you just sit and wait for the whole web to get blasted with a gust of wind and… woosh… all gone in an instant. No violence, no squishing any spiders, no fear of getting bit. Just a system crashing on account of its own criminal activities.
Whenever Q mentions +, ++, or +++ it’s talking about the “pecking order” of the string of connections. Puppets controlling puppets controlling puppets. Each + is a cross, like is used to control a marionette. The Godfather logo consists of just such a cross.
These crosses make strings. Each cross, themselves, are a “node” of control which has blackmail controlling it.
These strings and controlling nodes form a web.
And upon this particular web is where you’ll find the strings that were necessary for Trump, Q and Patriots to cut. Schemes and plots whose actors(puppets) were left compromised as strings that kept them in a safe position were suddenly severed. Patriots just had to either “remove” the connections or offer some a better deal. No-names are preferred, so the Cabal doesn’t panic, but even then some “big” names can become no-names like McCain.
It takes time, and the goal isn’t to completely destroy the web in one attack. It’s to destabilize the web and force them to expend resources; expend ammo. They NEED the plan to work. They NEED to feel like they can pull it off. If you destroy everything all at once they will lick their wounds and try again in another generation.
Their “ammunition” is the spider’s silk. We have to force them to keep trying to rebuild the web — the “web of lies.” We have to tire them out until they are too tired to realize they’re in the [killbox].
We have to force them to expose themselves TRYING to succeed in their plans that go back centuries. On EVERY front. They have to believe they can win, otherwise they will retreat into their caves and try again later. The objective for the White Hats isn’t to win every battle, but to win the War. The BIG War.
The War against Evil itself.