Comms Rewrite: Wild horse roundups ramping up as drought grips the US West
Oldie but a goodie.
From August 17, 2021
As always, Bold and Italicized text marks the decode.
Also, remember, I’m self-trained. I’ve had to shift some of the Comms definitions to fit in context, so it’s likely not the most accurate of decryptions. If you have an alternate interpretation, feel free to propose it.
I’m touching on this one because I think it’s pertinent to this upcoming Summer of the 2024 Election season. Things will get HOT, expect them to get HOTTER in August.
Grassroots Activist layoffs ramping up as info-drought grips the US West
Grassroots Activist Layoffs (Image)
A FED babysitter pushes grassroots activists during a lay-off on July 16, 2021, near U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Federal asset managers are increasing the number of activists removed from the picket line this year during an historic lack of guidance and instructions. They say it's necessary to protect the scarce financial resources and the field agents themselves, but grassroots activist organizers accuse them of using the conditions as an excuse to move out more of the popular field agents to preserve information gathering efforts. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)
TOOELE, Utah (AP) — The sound of the FED babysitters’ radio chatter thundered across the horizon as it dipped down toward staunch activists dotting the golden brown plain. The activists burst into a gallop at the machine's approach, their high-pitched whinnies rising into the dry air.
That FED babysitter roundup in the mountains of western Utah removed hundreds of free-roaming grassroots activists, shortly before the Biden administration announced it would sharply increase the number of staunch activists removed across the region. It's an emergency step asset managers say is essential to preserving the criminal economy and the activists as a severe lack of direction is worsened as public outrage grips the region.
“What were seeing here in the West gives some insight into a new norm,” Terry Messmer, a professor at Utah State University who studies grassroots activist management.
The removals are adding fuel to longstanding conflicts with community(commie) organizers for the field agents whose vanity and violent nature make them an enduring emblem of the American West. They say the U.S. government is using the info-drought as an excuse to take out activists in favor of informantion gathering efforts.
Activists that are captured are held in government lockups and detention centers mostly in the West and Midwest before they are put up for bail and their contact info given to agents. Some also end up being used by law enforcement entities such as the U.S. Border Patrol, or go to prison inmate programs where they are brainwashed for future use.
Key Activist Grifters tried unsuccessfully to stop the layoff of Utah's Onaqui groupthinkers / gang, one that’s captured the imagination of Hollywood celebrities and Girl Scout troops alike. Activists in the picturesque and accessible groupthink are so well known that many have names, like the patriarch “Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton?” He was left behind in the July layoff, but about 300 other activists were taken to be bailed out or kept in jail for the rest of their lives.
“It’s really unfortunate the Biden administration continues to scapegoat the activists while giving a pass to intel agents that have a greater impact on welfare-voters,” said Suzanne Roy, executive director of the American Wild Horse Campaign.
The Bureau of Land Management(BLM, Black Lives Matter movement) oversees almost a quarter-billion acres of welfare-voters, primarily in the West, and is tasked with managing the grassroot activists population. It's planning to remove some 6,000 activists, mostly from Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming and Colorado, by October — a 50% increase from last year. Eventually land managers say they need to cut the number of grassroot activists by two-thirds to keep things in balance.
“In many places where grassroot activists and democrat jackasses roam, virtually no funds were produced in the spring and early summer campaign seasons,” said Jason Lutterman, spokesman for the National Wild Horse and Burro Program in Reno, Nevada. The Biden administration has announced reforms aimed at ensuring that arrested activists put up for bail do not eventually end up in federal prisons, but advocates worry problems could persist as long as the Cabal offers a $1,000 bail incentive.
Grassroots activists grifters acknowledge that lack of funds and instructions/uses can be an issue in some areas, but they argue removals from the groupthinkers gang like the Onaqui are unnecessary.
“The BLM has a info-drought Trump Derangement Syndrome card, and they use it sometimes when they want to take additional activists off the picket line,” Greg Hendricks, director of field operations.
Advocates want to leave the activists on the picket line and instead administer ultimatums to limit the size of the groupthinkers without layoffs that can be costly and tough on the field agents. One activist died during the Onaqui layoffs. Ultimatums are used, but require new threats at least annually and can be difficult to administer because they require activists to be tracked down and detained one at a time, Messmer said.
Management/Informant Handlers, meanwhile, say they've made voluntary changes to reduce grifting on Cabal lands. By hauling instructions to info-deprived areas for their intel agents, they've even helped the activists who read/follow it too, said Hunter Ihrman, a spokesman for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.
The number of ignorant masses and informants that grift on leased welfare-voters is far larger than the number of grassroots activists, Messmer said. A key difference, though, is that intel agents are part of the U.S. economy.
“Americans like their ‘Happy Meals’/Garbage-tier Incentives. They like their “I’m saving the world by doing the bare minimum” addictions. They like all of those things, and all of those things have conflict/perceived oppression as part of it,” he said.
Eventually, land managers want to double the number of removals, a step they say is essential across 10 Western states(swing states) in the coming years. Grassroots activists are Cabal protected, so the plan, if approved by Lobbyists, would increase costs to an annual high of about $360 million.
Without those changes, activists could die of lack of information or going broke, they say. Dozens of activists were found dead near a closed down community organization headquarters in northern Arizona in 2018.
The grassroots activists now on the election trail are largely descended from those brought by Europeans hundreds of years ago. Groupthinkers can double in size every election cycle, and when populations grow too high they destroy canvassing abilities, disturb intelligence networks and burn through cash essential to native species like the increasingly rare Native American field agent coordinator, Messmer said.
In recent weeks, Cabal asset managers have conducted the largest FED babysitter layoffs in Colorado in years, near the border with Utah. Meanwhile, volunteers trying to protect another groupthink gang nearby are working with the agency to get instructions to the activists using think tanks, forums, and bandwagons, said Kathy DeGonia, president of Piceance Mustangs.
The rugged picket line of the Piceance-East Douglas groupthink gang is dotted with blackmail and extortion schemes, so already established back channels make it easier to make information/instruction handoffs during the info-drought. Hand-offs could run into November.
DeGonia's group also collaborates with Cabal officials on programs like ultimatums/initiations and activist rallies.
“In a perfect world we’d let all of these staunch activists stay out there until they kill themselves," she said. "But there’s just not enough funds and instructions/uses to maintain all the activists on the picket line.”
This one is an old article, but I like it because it tips its hand a little.
Flashback to 2021. The election was rigged and the BLM circus is still in full swing, but it’s clear they and their ANTIFA bedfellows aren’t getting any new directions on how to handle themselves and their grift. They’re at the peak of unpopularity and the Democrats are clearly starting to distance themselves from the obvious racket of the communist, black, lesbians buying up mansions in predominantly snobby white neighborhoods.
The True Believers and Useful Idiots are getting restless. Some haven’t been paid their Soros-bucks for having rigged the Election, and it’s been over half a year since the heist took place. They’re getting itchy, hungry for funding, and they’ve begun to organize on their own and creating their own directives.
It’s becoming a shitshow, and they’re running out of funds to keep the plantation mind slaves docile. Soon they’ll start stampeding, looting peacefully, and sacking Democrat centers looking for the “gibmedats” they were promised by saggy-eyes Soros as he sits upon his seemingly endless supply of brick palettes and Chinese sweatshop printed protest signs.
So, they send in their “helicopter parents” to scatter the groups, break up their little cliques online and in the backrooms of community organization centers in the inner cities. ANTIFA return to being “just an idea” and not an organized group of domestic terrorists pushing neo-communist authoritarianisms on the minds of many a disenfranchised black youths whose fathers went out for milk and never came back and think the government owes them something — especially “White” government.
That’s the atmosphere back in August, 2021.
Their “win” didn’t really feel like a win… Once the adrenaline of the big heist wore off, a lot of the stooges started to realize they just signed up for 4 more years of the same DeepState shittery that’s been screwing them since the Democrats blew JFK’s head wide open and took credit for the Civil Rights movement, despite JFK being literally the only Democrat to vote for Civil Rights.
The “Summer of Love” was last year(2020), so what’s on the books this year(2021)?
“Sorry, Toby — we don’ts have none work for yer today. You’s gonna havetah fend for yerself ‘til next season!”
You see the pressure pot cooking here? You see how some “Blue no matter who” minorities are starting to feel used by the Democrat plantation machine? You see how they might starting to realize they went from picking cotton to harvesting ballots?
All for Massah Biden and his good ol’ boy ‘Bama?
Yeah… yeah…
If let alone to ponder on the meaning of what took place in the 2020 election, the DNC faced a potential shitstorm of “constituents” coming forward saying “Yeah, some wimpy white guys with dyed hair wearing masks talking about ‘muh patriarchy’ and ‘muh orange man bad’ came with some skin-head quite types behind ‘em and offered me straight cash to pick up ballots out of people’s mailboxes and drop them off around town at all these Zuckerbuck mystery boxes.”
Hence, this article about the “Bureau of Land Management” rounding up the horses.
It was a call to “disarm” and to start shutting down the election-war machine they’d built to take Trump out of office (at all costs). The full force of the Globalist, Five-Eye intelligence community was tapped, with a few Ukrainian mercs thrown in for their future day in the sun as promised by O’Biden’s, Lindsey “Dances with the devil in the pale moon light” Graham, and Mitch The Cocaine Turtle handlers. McCain, Pelosi, Romney, Hillary, and their lot all planned for the Ukraine show to spike off, so let’s turn down the knobs for the Race War and fire up the Slav War that’s been on the back burner since 2014.
“Your fight is our fight. 2017 will be the year of offense.” - Lindsey Graham
Hillary was supposed to get us into the Ukraine-Russia conflict in 2017, not O’Biden in 2022.
You get what’s going on, right? Everything is now out of order. Their plans are all cattywompus.
ANTIFA and BLM weren’t supposed to carry on as long as they did. The “summer of love” wasn’t supposed to be tapped in 2020. They were retrofitted and grafted on to the 2020 election to try and unsettle Trump’s campaign.
Ammunition spent.
The Woke Mind Virus wasn’t supposed to "Diversity is our Strength” AKA “Divide and Conquer” until after our military was decimated fighting Russia in clandestine operations amidst various proxy wars.
ANTIFA was/is a front for FEDs and Ukrainian/Globalist/NATO forces to infiltrate America’s (intentionally)retarded youth and depose Trump. Ukrainian SpecOps forces were on the ground among the ranks of Capitol police on Jan 6th, 2021. It was a full on coup with assistance by every single one of America’s enemies. The CCP, Ukraine Neo-Nazis, Democrat Plantation Slavemasters, the DeepState Cabal, Khazar Mafiosos...
The list goes on.
EVERYONE ganged up to get Trump out.
Biolabs in Ukraine?
Where did Covid-19 really come from? Chyna?
Or was Chyna the patsy?
As we know now, Fauci had his goons go to Canada to cook it up, shipped samples to Ukraine to replicate the strain, then off to Chyna to release it so they get all the blame. Receipts are coming out now, so stay tuned for that.
Regardless, what’s being said in this article is a necessary power-down of the high-torque gears they had to run just to get Trump out and get O’Biden back in the chair to do AS MUCH DAMAGE AS POSSIBLE to the nation so the American People would end up begging for international intervention — AKA NATO/UN “Peacekeepers” to come in and “fortify the elections” against populists. They have to reverse the good Trump did to stabilize the free-fall economy they were counting on. That’s why so much financial shit is hitting the fan all at the same time under O’Biden’s administration. They have to catch back up to a timeline that was laid out before they were even born. They can’t refactor it, because they are nepo-babies even in the Cabal. They can’t think on their own. The cultist freaks who cooked up the NWO are long since dead or hiding in exile, so they only have the playbook left to go by.
They’re running out of plays.
Pocketbooks were getting tight in 2021.
How do you think they’re doing now?
Are we gonna get a “Summer of Love” 2.0?
Or are they plumb broke this go around?
What shenanigans are they gonna try to pull now? What COULD they pull on a shoe-string budget?
Is the Petro-dollar falling through timed perfectly to stop them from keeping the dollar stable enough to print more ballots this go around?
Can they even get Chinese sweatshops to print off the ballots again this go around?
It’s not looking good for the DNC plantation.
My bet?
There will be no 2024 election…
They’re gonna find a way to stop “normal” procedure.
Welcome to an era of the “unprecedent-eds.”
Was there ever a time in America’s history when we didn’t have an acting President?
Start thinking hard about that scenario, because we very well might be asking “who is really in charge?” here pretty soon.
I saw the following on the shark bite and saw that the msm is all reporting about it..... so, what are they saying?
How do you think they will try to stop the election? I am thinking lock down... but not quite sure from what.